Unauthorized Cinnamon

I sing a version to my little cavalier king charles spaniel that goes like this:

The nincompoop who does the Newbie review should be flayed at the Dreadfort. What in the actual fuck. It's 1:15 a.m. Stop procrastinating on PornHub

Happy Father's Day Tywin

Allister: (opens locker) Oh Christine?
Christine: (opens locker) Yes, Alltiser?

REally? Disqus must be highly subjective in its timing because my monitor showed I was 5 minutes earlier. Oops.

No I don't think so. More a transformation of awareness.

look down one comment, damnyou

go cry

Tyrion dies on the way to his home planet.


Lady, where's my spy camera?

don't be an asshole. Some people don't read those lists for precisely this reason. You should burn in the seven hells.

blah blah blah….nobody gives a crap about this except people looking for sometihng to complain about.

The real similarities are with the First Tetralogy.

It annoys me to no end that the show has never really established Gregor Clegane. Are they afraid to put him on camera for some reason? The tall Serbian dude from Season 2 SUCKED.

That's for taking a dump.

uh yeah, sex scenes are not his strong suit.

Hmmm…she's 17. I guess it depends on what state I'm watching in.

Oh I love the show but he has a point about the adolescent male fantasy aspects of the invincible handsome charming gunfighter saving the day.

Am I allowed to find Loretta cute yet?