Unauthorized Cinnamon

"I thought SHE was the rowbit!"

I thought YOU were the rowbit.

It's Pronounced ROWBIT

Do you think Ed Harris is a rowbit?

So Neo?

You must be a real hoot.

I'm thinking it's more Becky and Darlene.

I like how Tyrion in conception was very loosely based on Shakespeare's Richard III, and in the play he is transformed into a Richard-esque Vice figure arch villain.

You merely adopted the Dark…I was born to it.

The Hurley Paradox

(Opening notes of Merallica's "One" play)

Glad you enjoy her work but I find the character to be garbage. More caricature than human being.

In the entire HBO canon, first place still goes to Woody Harrelson's side piece on True Detective Season 1.

New Jersey is awful. Weequahic High SChool and Millburn High SChool are 6 miles apart as the crow flies. There are zero white kids in Weequhaic.

You are a worthless shitstain racist piece of garbage. Learn the first fucking thing about this topic before you spout off, you dumb fucking racist caricature.

People said the same crap during redlining, you racist asstard. Yes, people are more important than "property values." In closing, fuck off.

You don't get morning sickness a couple days after you bone.

Also I give my wife the "Close Reading English Paper Award of the Season" for pointing out that Frank's bloodstain on his white shirt=the would-be red rose in the white suit.

Those commercials would always come on late at night at scare the shit out of my 8 year old self.

Also, did no one have a problem with Ani being able to psychicly "feel" Velcoro's death? I think Woodrugh's wife had the same thing. Call Agent Mulder!!