Unauthorized Cinnamon

The New Bomb Turks are playing on Saturday in NYC people! RELIVE THAT 90s MAGIC!


Much Ado About Stuffing

Don't do what Donnie Darko does.

"For crying out loud it's just a TV show! It's just a TV show!"

Where the FUCK is Ian McShane already?

A- for this, B for True Detective. Onion AV Club is going off the rails on a crazy train.

P.S. I am gay

Anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of seeing Roger Allam perform Falstaff at the Globe should check out the YouTube videos. Just amazing. This doesn't compare.

This is without a doubt the worst show on premium cablE right now. Maybe the worst show in the history of HBO.

That was a crime your purse snatchin' pukes. And this…is the PENALTY. Two minutes for slashing; two minutes for hooking; and let's not forget my personal favorite, two minutes for high sticking!

Someone needs to make an animated gif of bunch torching the Red Sox pennant…stat!

Really? I thought it was very well crafted and cinematic. Plenty of cliches, but mashed up in an interesting way (like L.A. Confidential meets The Departed). I think it has promise. I had no idea it hadn't premiered, as the first episode is on On Demand.

Why is there no Ray Donovan review? That was some quality programming.

"And maybe that’s notstrictly an irony in the context of reality (where all of us beg for tiny mercies every day), but in the context of the play, it certainly is, because Shakespeare doesn’t seem to realize that the person who most needs that quality of mercy is Shylock himself."
The end of Act 4 Scene 2 is all about

OK, I'm really not trying to troll here, but I am curious: does anyone else find this show has fucking terrible as I do? I did enjoy the first season…it went off the rails once eggs showed up.

There are certainly plenty of things that Shakespeare "didn't grasp" (psychological complexity, women's equality, the humanity of the lower classes, etc.), but I'm pretty sure when it comes to a theological/moral concept like mercy Shakespeare has it all over the onion av club critic. Anyway,  I've read that little

Uh, how about his explanation of what Shakespeare "didn't grasp" makes no fucking sense.

The Shakespeare "analysis" in this review was so hilariously bad that it gave me a headache

Obvious troll is obvious.