Unauthorized Cinnamon

Hot's last name is Pie.

Obvious troll is Obvious!

Hey fucktard, this is the newbies thread. Go eat a dick.

I have read the books. However, unlike you, I'm not retarded.

So no scholarly citations? BTW, I never mentioned historical parallels. Have zero interest in them.

You're a fucking cocked up nazi asslicking piece of human pond scum. Please fucking die.

You're a fucking dillhole who deserves to be ass raped with a sword by Victarion Greyjoy. Go to the experts thread, assface.


Seriously, though. What is your problem? You're as fucking stupid as Jinglebell.

Idiot king is a dick unparalleled in the annals of dickery. I hope he dies in a fire.

So who woke up sad?

Well, they ended with Edward IV on the throne, his brother, first. But yeah.

We know it involves an AK47, so that's a start.

I wouldn't say that "ruined" it. I'd say that's a nice subtlety that means more on a second viewing, and maybe….MAYBE would tip of the 1 percent of most clever viewers. 

Like most of the Lord of Light shit, it's ambiguous. Remember, Mel foresaw Stannis victorious at Blackwater, so what the fuck.\

Might could catch some Roseanne on WE.

Yeah, agreed, and I have no problem with that, but it seems odder for a character that was fully introduced and fairly important in one season already….hmm, anyway.

Julius Caesar? You mean the violence of The Revenger's Tragedy.

Lancaster and York sounds a lot like Lannister and Stark. Things that make you go hmmmm.