nom nom nom

(oops, replied to wrong comment, reposting) I just got married (last weekend!); we rented out a campground. Our bar was open from 1pm until the last person passed out in their tent. We served beer and wine plus water and soda (out of a canoe filled with ice) all day and all night, and if anyone wanted liquor, they

I saw a preview screening of The World's End last night, and you are right to be excited for it.

"But which purse do you think goes the best with ennui?"

I'm halfway through Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami and am in love with it. I was a big fan of The Wind-up Bird Chronicle and Norweigan Wood and so far Kafka is living up to my expectations.

It looks like a Garbage Pail Kid card to me.

I saw this twice in Chicago. A great time was had by all.

He's the kid from Love Actually, all grown up! My boyfriend and I recognized him at the exact same time.

I remember hiding in the basement while my dad was watching The Wall and seeing that scene. It haunted my nightmares for months. I still can't watch it without getting a little freaked out.

I gave up after Season 1. What was Rosie doing at the casino that put her in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I gave up after Season 1. What was Rosie doing at the casino that put her in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I always have to put on Bjork "Vespertine" during the first snowfall of the winter.

I always have to put on Bjork "Vespertine" during the first snowfall of the winter.

My wish list choice would be Alfonso Cuaron. He turned the Harry Potter franchise around with Prisoner of Azkaban. Plus, *SPOILER* imagine a Children of Men-style tracking shot in the clock-style arena.

Saw The Hunger Games, enjoyed it (it was pretty much what I thought it was going to be). I loved the scene of the Tributes rising up into the arena—even though I knew what was going to happen, my heart was still pounding. Also, saw Delta Spirit perform an awesome show at the Metro, then drove up to Madison on Saturday

I like that her teeth aren't perfect. One thing that drives me crazy in period films/shows is when the actors have perfect anachronistic features.


Chantal Sutherland also appeared on a reality show about jockeys, fittingly titled JOCKEYS, that was on Animal Planet for a season.

What bugged me about the biker shorts is that the dress she was wearing wasn't even very fitted. The bottom half/skirt part wasn't tight, so why bother squeezing into biker shorts?

It was small, but I want a replica of the Jungle Room in my future house.

@Business Model,