The Representative from Mariso

Stray thoughts
- It was great to have a ballroom judge on the panel, and as a bonus, one who wasn't yelling about trains.

There was a high school guy in the audience?

Agree that Tyce and NapTab have had a stand-out season… after some of the atrocities of seasons 5 and 6 it's good to have them back in top form.

I loved the Bollywood number. Robert's goofy "class clown" bit doesn't really work for me most of the time, and I usually feel his contemporary isn't flowing enough, but the sharp movements and over the top personality were suited for Bollywood.

Agree, I loved the routine to "Mad World"- that and Billy's solo were the only dances of the night that I rewound and watched again. If what he did tonight can't save him tomorrow, nothing can… but I suspect he'll be sent home. The bottom 3 will be Jose, Robert, and Billy… and they'll send Jose and Billy, I suspect.

Ah yes I see… thanks for the info! :-)


Jose was in the very end of the group routine last week, as I recall he helped carry out Cat on the couch (and that was the extent of his involvement). I don't recall seeing him in the group number this week…

I did like the routine. I wonder, though, if a routine where one of the guys slapped one of the girls would make it past the producers? The girls always end up on top in these routines, which I guess is the PC thing these days…

Lauren and Robert…
Remember when all-star Lauren did that Fosse number with Billy? (Tyce choreographed, shiny black/purple costumes, etc.) They were supposed to be all up close and sexy, and Lauren did not seem comfy with it… I watch this show with my roommates, and we all noticed that a move that had her all up on

I think Billy will be out, even if he does come back and dance a solo tomorrow. Jose should go, but will probably float by on "growth" and the smile the judges like so much. I don't blame Billy for not dancing on an iffy knee- he's been bottom three for several weeks, has gotten very little positive commentary from

Tonight's outfit was terrible, agree. But it's always interesting— so I agree, let Cat be Cat.

A bit OT… Emmys?
Alright, I know I'm a bit behind on this as Emmy nominations were announced some weeks ago, but let me test my understanding here-

This is a very late comment, but have to give props to Bent Not Broken. +1000 internets.

To all the het guys who watch this for the hot chicks….
…so sorry, I imagine the sudden plethora of guy/guy routines aren't really working for you. I'm loving it, though… and I liked Kent and Adechike's number better than the one Travis choreographed, if only because I have a cold, black heart. It was technically

I thought Anya was better in the salsa with Adechike than she was in the jive with Billy. With Billy, they started out OK, but then by the end it was totally off, and Anya had a look of "what the fuck, where are you, Billy?" She wasn't completing her steps because she was too busy trying to make the next connection,


It was difficult to watch Jose do that piece, because John C. Reilly so fantastic in it and I've watched Chicago enough times to really be able to compare…

You're talking about the Mr & Mrs Smith type number that Travis choreographed, right?

This show is on Hulu?!? Oh my god! That's awesome… occasionally my DVR disobeys my directive to record this show (at priority 1, dammit) and I never used to be able to find it anywhere.