The Representative from Mariso

I didn't mind Angelo. I agree with Emily that I'll miss his "to be honest witchoo" moments… and I thought it was highly entertaining to hear him go off about making love to the food. I'm not sure I agree that he was kind to his fellow contestants… I have the impression that he was a bit of a bitch, especially in the

This season…
For all the talk about what a dismal season this was, it seemed that the chefs in the last few weeks put out excellent food. The judges didn't have any major errors to pick out, and were (as they repeatedly said) left to nitpick details, deciding whose dish was not quite as good as the others. It seems

I don't normally laugh out loud at TV shows…
The very end of the "this season on" preview, when the Dexter look-alike (?) Seth says "I'm going to win this thing and you can all suck it" cracked me up. I had to go back and watch it several times just to revel in the bitchiness. Ah, reality TV…

Agree with you, Norse God. I wasn't sure whether his awareness that he was being a douche (a sarcastic comment about how he's great to work for and all his employees love him) made it better or even slightly worse (like that Onion article: "Asshole admits to being asshole in ultimate asshole move.")

This thread made me laugh… :-)

Live format
Are we to believe that the entire show, all the dancing, was done live? There were routines where one of the contestants was back-to-back, with significant costume/make-up changes… and, in contrast to all previous episodes, they actually showed footage of the moves the judges were talking about during

I agree with you with regard to the lack of polish, st. murse- I would chalk it up to them being crazy overworked. They had 5 routines for tonight, and tomorrow they'll probably be dancing at least 3 more (the favorites of the season, I believe they said they were doing that)… of course they couldn't take the time to

Hey, that's cool. I always kinda wonder if any of the people on the various reality shows covered on the AV Club read the reviews posted here. Thanks for the quote, Dot Dot Dot.

From Stray Observations: — "I wake up this morning, and I'm dead. Literally dead."

It does seem odd that they aren't taking Legacy on the tour. I don't really care about Russell— I got tired of the judges selling the "he's untrained!" story arc when in fact he was rather seriously trained in a variety of styles… I suppose I shouldn't blame him for that, as he never seemed totally comfortable with

You're right, Adechike did get a flogging last night, but sometimes that gets dancers a pity vote and he's been strong in voting all along, especially as compared to Robert, who spent quite a few weeks as a bottom-dweller. But apparently the voters decided to listen to the judges last night, or Robert picked up

I'm with you. Seeing it Sunday, can't wait. :-)

Stomp the Yard had a pretty good last 20 minutes (the climatic "Let's Put On A Show" scene) but otherwise was pretty useless, as I recall.

I was sure Adechike would make it to the final week and Robert would be going home. But I stand by my early season prediction that Kent is going to win.

…was on the original list of all-stars that are going on the tour… why was he acting surprised, like he had just gotten invited by Nigel? I guess he was just being cute?

I was all ready to hate the clown routine, but I actually really dug it.

Agree, I think Robert will be out and Adechike will stay for the finale, despite the fact that Robert had a much better night tonight than Adechike. I've come around to Robert in a big way, as long as he can keep the goofy toned down he's pretty adorable.

Also didn't know this started tonight…
…but very much enjoyed the review, great stuff. "For those of us existing in a less open-minded realm where things that look like shit are undesirable, it was less pleasant."— awesome. Thanks John!

Sorry, Genevieve, Lauren's not going to win…
Lauren was in the bottom three tonight (I think the injury report is immaterial), she thus does not have the votes to win this thing. Kent and Adechike are going to be the last two standing, and Kent will win.

Agree with you, Genevieve, on the turnarounds (while I never loved Legacy, I enjoyed him more as season 6 went on and certainly appreciate him in hindsight with Jose to compare him to)… and the turnarounds, when they happened, were indeed acknowledged and explained multiple times, so no need to pull out the "Long Term