The Representative from Mariso

Thanks for that, chubby ballerina, I can totally picture it and it made me laugh. :-)

Sleep deprivation
I know sleep deprivation is the name of the game in reality TV, but it seems that the producers of this show are going harder on these guys than is usual. Maybe it's just Miles (who is, certainly, an actor) with the bags under his eyes and constant naps that's making me think so, though…

I think Nigel's just feeling very defensive. Not sure how the ratings have been, but imagine they're down, the move-to-the-fall experiment was a disaster, there are at best mixed feelings about the new format… so, ya know, he's overcompensating and getting his ire up.

Going on record calling this thing for Kent, especially because I suspect Alex will not be back. His routines tonight were highlights, and I thought his number with Lauren came across with the most raw emotional honesty that I can ever recall seeing on this show. He's got the chops, he's got the fans… all my

@Warren Oates

Goddamn it, now "Hero" is in my head. There are some Nickelback songs I actually like, but "Hero" is some generic, sappy BS.

I don't understand the pride people seem to take in not knowing current or past hit songs. Just 'cuz it's popular doesn't make it bad, or less worthy (doesn't make it good either, of course)… I make a point of still listening to the radio, trying to keep up on the current chart-topping songs. Some of them are fun,

Forgot to say- part of my point in bringing up Joshua is just to emphasize that Jose sucks. The choreography tonight was obviously, insultingly dumbed down for him, and he still couldn't pull it off. Being based in hip-hop is no excuse. I hope he goes soon.

Mark and season 4
After Genevieve posted the link to the picture of Mark with Lady Gaga last week, I did some looking around (OK OK, I looked up Mark on Wikipedia) and found Lady Gaga's Alejandro video- if you haven't seen it, you need to. Sexy male dancers (including Mark, though not till the second half), good

Agree. I thought the Potter books were poorly written, until I read (well, tried to read) the Twilight series.

Bears love Tom. I live in San Francisco, I know what I'm talking about. =)

Also, the worse piece of sheit was Melinda's "mother earth" number. Terrible choreography, poorly danced, and to my memory the most atrocious outfit this show has ever put on the stage. It looked like something you'd find on clearance after Halloween, "Garden Nymph Adult Costume" or something. It even looked like

I was wondering the same thing, osava.

Agree, smm. I don't really give a shit about any of the female contestants except that each of them we loose decreases my odds of seeing Mark in a given week's performances. On the bright side, it also decreases my odds of having to see Dominic- I was dreading having to watch him awkwardly hit on Cat (unlike Adam,

Wow, thank you for that picture of Mark with GaGa, Genevieve! Love it, love it, love it… also, Ashley wasn't nearly enough to keep my eyes off Mark and his chest in that routine.

Agree with Drea on all points (well I haven't attended a class taught by Mia but besides that). I'm so happy that she's back… even though I HATED the piece she did for the "Meet the Top 11" showcase. She was given the two best contestants to work with and picked a TERRIBLE song… plus something about Billy Bell

I laughed when she pulled out the "don't need formal training to win" line. Kiss of death.

"The Garden" and the addiction dance would be my picks. Also liked the locket one Travis choreographed.

I agree, I think we've passed the point of shark jumping… I love this show and will always watch it no matter how much they tinker, but I will be surprised if they get renewed after this season. Perhaps I'm misjudging, though, maybe the tween target audience will eat up the increased "personal stories" etc? If so,

Loved seeing the interactions between the chefs and their sous-chefs. Marcus pretty much gave us nothing with his, Susur tossed around kitchen implements and trashed the place with his… but by far the best was Rick. My favorite moment of this whole series was when Rick's sous gave him a good smack on the