The Representative from Mariso

I hate the fake-outs, as well. Agree, get a new joke already.

I love the group routines, both in concept and in execution… and agree that I would like to see more of them, all of them if possible. It's an entirely sadistic phase of the auditions- you're giving this assignment at 7pm, after a full day of dancing, basically guaranteeing that they will get very little (if any)

@fandom- thank you! You articulated exactly why I don't enjoy Idol at all but love this show in general and Vegas week especially…

I'm confused…
So, what makes "rhythmic gymnastics" not dance? I've seen it in competition, and even the clips they showed of Rachel in the gym seemingly just doing her usual thing… looks like dance to me. It looks more like dance than tap dancing, really, which (to me) belongs in a percussion section, not a dance

LOL @WopperVirgin.

Was sad to not see my personal fav bathroom read on this list— Ask a Ninja Presents The Ninja Handbook: This Book Looks Forward to Killing You Soon. Easily read and enjoyed in 5-10 minute intervals and really funny.

@kerouac9, 5'11 and 135?!? I guess I must be out of touch, but that sounds pretty damned skinny to me… I am 5'10, and granted I have a large-ish frame— I've weighed in the 130s and when I do people count my ribs and try to force feed me cookies. Especially if one has some muscle on them, that seems like a pretty low

The new format and Dancing with the Stars…
It appears to me that the "all stars" format is a pretty transparent and shameless attempt to ape the format (and try to capture some of the success) of Dancing with the Stars. Pair the contestant with a pro… ahem… "all star" who is an expert at the genre of dance. Granted

well if we're going to be technical about it..
…. I probably just took too many mythology courses in college, but I can't be the only one bothered by Rick (and probably others) using the words "Hades" and "devil" (and "hell" and "underworld") interchangeably? They are not the same thing at all…

I can't get behind any of the scenes between Kurt and his dad, well acted though they may be. As a teenager, all I wanted in this world was for my parents to leave me the hell alone, so the way Kurt angles and strives for his dad's attention just rings totally hollow to me. I guess some teenagers are like that? I

Grand Moff- I love that equation. Thanks. :-)

Stupid people and their stupid fingers they stick down their stupid throats.

Agree that the "challenges" haven't been very interesting or, uh, challenging. And I thought the exact same thing about the host after the quickfire… though that said, I thought she actually looked better than usual this ep (in a stick insect kind of way)- something about softer make-up, I think?

I thought this was an exceptionally weak episode, and I was pretty pissed off that Carmen made it through. It seems that pretty much everyone else had execution issues (these are "Masters"?!? Supposedly on par with Keller et al from last season?), but really, a stew with sausage she bought from Whole Foods? At

I won't be burying any hatchets unless I get a clear shot at your groin.

Sonya was amazing this year (especially the darker routines that recalled "The Garden" from season 4). Generally I liked Travis' routines and everyone brought it in the latin dances.

In Randi's defense, Evan was WAY worse than her in that samba. He was creepy-bad, she was just bad, like a 10-year-old ballroom student gettin' it on.

It seems to me like a problem to have a knocked up judge. Having recently been preggers myself, I can tell you there are many dietary restrictions that go along with it (aside from having to cut back on alcohol)- no rare meat or raw seafood, fish that is high in mercury, raw/undercooked eggs, certain cheeses, etc.

I HATE that it's a top six in the finale. I love the finale with the top 4 and everyone-dances-with-everyone-else. Clearly that can't happen this season. Bleh.

It does seem that the rest of the pack was sorely outmatched from the start, and to an unusual degree. Usually we have a dark horse (Lisa, Carla) going into the finale, but this season it has all just kinda fallen into line. Not complaining, mind you- I think it's a fantastic top 4. Kevin or Jen for the win! :-)