The Representative from Mariso

I'm clearly in the minority here, but I liked the NappyTab robot love routine. Maybe it's just cuz I have a thing for robots.

Good theory, kerouac…

It's the strongest top 4. Eli, Mike I, and Robin? Not so much.

"Punished" is a poor word choice, "judged harshly" is more what I mean. And I certainly agree that Stefan screwed the pooch in NOLA, between the sausage, frequent smoke breaks, and general complacency. However it did seem that there was no credit given for the difficulty of doing a dessert vs. playing it safe with

Why? Because no one was in charge, no one looked at the big picture, and everyone was overconfident. Sad, because, as you said, Fuzzy, they both seemed like such strong teams…

I thought with Fabio in front of house they could have served monkey ass on empty clam shell and still won?

I think this is one of the only times we've seen a dessert pay off. In the finale we've seen desserts that look good still get slammed because "this is supposed to be the best meal the chef's ever cooked and this dessert is just OK." Generally we've heard the judges praise a choice to do savory instead of dessert,

Jimmy James, love the commentary on the backwards E in "REVOLT."

Going home in RW
Hasn't it always historically been the team leader/head chef (who in the past was clearly assigned, it seems) for the failed restaurant who has gone home in Restaurant Wars, not the front-of-house like Todd says in his review? Front of house has previously been a place to hide, as they haven't wanted

This week?!?
I am having update withdrawal… where's the write-up on Restaurant Wars? I know it was a crazy episode probably requiring more than the usual time to write up… but I'm getting twitchy here…

hehehe- glad I could help you out! :-)

Thanks for the recap, Bourne… I hate stadium type shows and will therefore never go, but interesting to hear what happens at them. Did it sell out (or come close)? I hope the tours do well… the dancers deserve it.

Also, agree with Shiv re: season 5. There were some amazing routines in there- the addiction dance from EAWMM, jewel thieves from Wade Robson, the locket dance that Travis choreographed, the ass routine (which was the only thing I loved Evan in all season) from EAWMM, the solo Ade did to the Windows techno song,

The shaved head makes her look like Ursula from Disney's Little Mermaid.

Have you ever watched this show, Pancakes? I wrote it off an American Idol clone and dismissed it until the 4th season, but when I started watching I quickly realized it is the best damn thing on TV. Seriously.

I love Kevin. He must go to Ren Fairs and play D&D, which makes him my people.

Restaurant wars!
I can't wait for restaurant wars… always my favorite episode. I loved that last season the chefs finally seemed to have learned what was obvious to me from the second season- you DO NOT want to be head chef for restaurant wars! I hope this year they shake it up a bit and send someone who wasn't the

Legacy flames on…
Do you think Legacy thinks he's still in the closet? He is so very, very gay… but strikes me as someone who dates 5 girls at once and talks about pussy all the time in a desperate attempt to convince himself and everyone else that he is so very, very straight. Hip hop in general and breaking

Agree re: "mentally ill ginger pygmy"- I am not the sort to laugh out loud at my TV and that line got me.

Saved by the Bell
It's been well over a decade, and I am ashamed that I ever watched and enjoyed it, but I totally remember that Saved by the Bell episode where Jessie sings "I'm So Excited" and you're spot on with the comparison. I'm actually really disturbed about how much I remember that episode… makes me wonder