
Jeez, SNL hires a million white guys all with the knowledge that Seth Meyers was leaving and now they have to bring a new one in. Mike O'Brien and Brooks Wheelan are so fucked.

Justin Bieber is Ogie Oglethorpe re-incarnated.

Yeah, there aren't many movies that make me laugh as hard as those two movies.

Nachtmystium - "Your True Enemy"
Janelle Monae - The Electric Lady
Ghostface Killah - "Josephine"
Iron & Wine - "Love Vigilantes"
Black Sabbath - "Sabbra Cadabra"

Oh yes, we're all clamoring for the good old days of Tim Kazurinsky and Brad Hall.

A good opinion to have.

Silkworm - Incanduce California
Bill Fay - Dust Filled Room
Andrew WK - Got To Do It
Pulley - History Repeats Itself (kind of amazed that these guys have lasted on my ipod, but their songs are pretty sweet).
New Pornographers - Letter From An Occupant

I wanna know your feelings on Death.

Damn, Death AND Magma. That shit is tight!

Chest tattoo, Swedish hockey player guy was going full Skeet Ulrich.

Haha, just realized that.

Going to see HOF and Kvelertak tonight. So pumped.

Best part about Shad is that he's always standing outside rapping after Edmonton Oiler games. I gave him a loonie the other day.

The Kurt Vile album is great. So is that Paramore album. Seriously.

Yeah, Return Of The Rentals holds up remarkably well.

It was the metal tourist album of 2012.

It IS a great little comedy. Stacked cast and just solidly amusing. Ferrell and Bruce McCulloch as Woodward and Bernstein are especially great. File it alongside The Man Who Knew Too Little and The Wrong Guy as 90s comedies that you didn't realize were fantastic.


Jay See, the joke explainer!