
That's a really ignorant comment about Slayer. Sure, they had their lane, but you can't listen to Hell Awaits and South of Heaven (let alone Reign in Blood and SOH) back to back and think it's an identical album.

You are exactly right - although I really dig Love You, I couldn't handle a whole decade worth of albums like that. Also, I'm always amazed that more people don't freak out about how good "Hold On Dear Brother" off Carl & The Passions is.

Dear Ron Maclean, I wouldn't bother with these questions if I didn't sense some spiritual connection. We may not be the same, but it's not like we're from different planets. We both love this game so much we can hardly fucking stand it. Alberta born, prairie raised - ain't a sheet of ice north of Fargo I ain't played.

The best female SNL castmember of all time.

Yeah, it sucks that we'd have to downgrade them to cool.

The open heart surgery film is amazing. Legitimately laugh out loud funny.

You're not. Funniest movie of the last five years, I'd say.

I will gladly watch this.

There are others I like - Crash Of Rhinos, You Blew It! - but Dads seem to hit my ears in the best way.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - "We Real Cool"
Indian - "Directional"
Holy Terror - "A Fool's Gold"
Alcest - "Opale"
Mavis Staples - "Can You Get To That"

On board with everything but alexisonfire

No one's going to comment in this thread, but I'll say that last year's Pretty Good EP was stellar. If this emo revival is a thing we have to care about, Dads are almost undoubtedly the best of the bunch.

Yeah, Alcatraz has some songs that, a decade removed from the last time I listened to it, I cannot get out of my head. "Naomi" - I mean, it's just a fabulous track.

I know we're at the point where NOFX likely won't be mentioned in great detail anymore, but it should be noted that So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes from 1997 is their best album - even with the ska songs.

Totally agree. I feel that the stigma of their 90s records has prevented people from giving their newer stuff a chance. They've released four straight albums that just tower over the early stuff and people still talk about "Ska Sucks" and "Anchorless."

I saw Reel Big Fish in 97 and that shit blew my mind. Seriously, they were great live. Especially for a 14-year-old.

I was going through the article hoping the album would come up. For me, it's hands down the best pop-punk album. Like, period. It's perfect.

Those first few Weakerthans albums are really good and I probably prefer them to Propagandhi's earlier stuff, but damn, since 2001 Propagandhi has been on a ridiculous hot streak that not many other bands can possibly match. They're the one Fat Wreck Chords-type band that actually got better after the boom died down.

I recently returned to Bleed American after about 12 years and I was really taken aback at how good some of the songs were. I remember hearing an early demo of "Sweetness" and thinking it was on another level of pop-rock songwriting. Now, years later, after going through an extended phase of not listening to this kind

Well, he was at the helm of the Digital Short era, as well as the Kristen Wiig era and Stefon and Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and my man WIll Forte did some of his funniest stuff while Seth Meyers was head writer. I don't know, man, it would seem Meyers has established a pretty startling resume even for someone who is so