
It's like Mercyful Fate meets the Cure. It's fantastic.

Are you in Diarrhea Planet?

"Yeah, I can't understand one Norewgian word!"

Seeing next month. It's gonna cruuuuuuuuuuuuuush!

Nah, it was a great album, no doubt. Probably technically Kanye's best, but there are a handful of moments that are flat-out lousy. The non-Minaj parts of "Monster" for instance.

Actually, Morgan was brought in and him and Meadows were on the show together for four years. Thompson and Finesse Mitchell started at the same time, the year after Tracy Morgan and Dean Edwards left.

Jan Hooks played Clinton and Reagan. Terry Sweeney (a man) also played Reagan and Phil Hartman (a man) played Bush.

Yeah, at this point a few guys got Meadows beat for lengevity (Meyers, Armisen), but Meadows was really one of the best castmembers ever.

tfeatherston in 1986:
I love Jon Lovitz, but one is enough. What makes Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon so different?

cub, you should write for Salon.

Listen guys, chickens DO make lousy house pets.

It kills me, because they actually LOOK better (they do), but literally nothing has gone right and to make it worse, it seems that everyone else is doing just great (except Buffalo, there's always Buffalo).

It should be fixed.

You thumbed down Steely Dan? the fuck?

Jay-Z - Hello Brooklyn 2.0 (worst song on a pretty good album)
Converge - In Her Shadow (worst song on a pretty good album)
AC/DC - Back In Black (haha, great album, but does anyone really NEED this on their ipod?)
No Age - Life Prowler (Kind of amazed I haven't unloaded these guys from my ipod. Never really been into

Oilers fan here…hold me.

"B Is For Bethlehem" is the jam!

That drum solo is not for wusses.

Yep, you got them all. Way to go. Time to stop now.

I've always seen the D-Plan as a sort of extension of XTC. E&I is their Drums & Wires. Change is their English Settlement or maybe Skylarking. This one might be there Oranges & Lemons.