
Lots of bad news here. I really liked Tim Robinson last year. I'm hoping this move is his decision. The idea of Seth Meyers staying on after his show starts makes me vomit with rage. Cecily Strong being made anchor seems…I dunno, I guess I always felt the duos were pretty overrated. Whatever.

Yeah, if "Bastards Of Young" doesn't get you, you can't be got.

Agreed, Bob's absence is felt on Pleased to Meet Me, but it's no more jarring than his muted presence on Tim.
I go:
1. Let It Be
2. Pleased
3. Sorry Ma
4. Tim
5. Stink

Song for song, Pleased To Meet Me is probably still better. Hootenanny has, by my count, three absolute classics and a couple stinkers whereas Pleased To Meet Me, even in its polished state, boasts at least five total classics. Hell, I'd take it over Tim.

See, this is the first Neko solo record that, to me, hasn't been the least bit innocuous. These songs are jarring and bold and dark to me. It's funny what different people's ears hear.

I think it's her best work yet.

Are you?

Yeah, with those 30 Rock reviews, he really snuck pills into the jelly beans.

I've liked everything she's done, don't get me wrong, but I feel like there are more stylistic risks here than on any of here other albums. Which one would you say was more varied?

It's not a tame album.

"Deep Red Bells," "Star Witness," "People Got A Lot Of Nerve" and basically anything off this album. You're welcome.

Yeah, this is easily Case's most dynamic, varied and sonically daring album. Only a small handful of songs could be considered "Neko by the books." This is a bold, personal album and I think it's her best. This review is baffling not in that it slightly defies my experience with it, but that it is so boldly incorrect.

Ugh, stop it.

1. The Band
2. Big Pink
3. Northern Lights
4. Cahoots (yeah, I like Cahoots a lot)
5. Rock Of Ages
6. Stage Fright
7. Last Waltz
8. Islands
9. Jericho
10. Jubilation
11. High On The Hog

Yeah, start with Today's Empires and move forward from there. My favorite is Supporting Caste, but they're all exceptional albums. Be warned, however: they're much much harder than the early stuff.

There is no worse starting point with Propagandhi then "Well, I like The Weakerthans." Totally different bands.

Haven't heard this new one, but the first couple Obits albums haven't done much for me. If people are missing that old Hot Snakes shit (they were the BEST), check out The Night Marchers, which is basically Hot Snakes minus Rick Froberg. Allez! Allez! is a fantastic record.

My issue with early Propagandhi is that their post-millenial work is so much stronger that the early stuff just pales way too drastically in comparison.

Yup, that's exactly what I was saying. Good work.

Yeah, Face To Face, for as much as I loved them back in the day (I was obsessed with their live album), were the first pop punk who started to sound "off" to me. And I'm not talking about those moody later albums that everyone hated. Those first couple albums just aren't that good.