
I just saw Steely Dan (amazing) and their show was done by 10 p.m. and I really appreciated that.

Hey everybody, check out DJ Robby Robb Rob! He's edgy!

I would say their second album, Maybe You Should Drive, has a lot of timeless songs. It's actually a really solid album full of sweet, thoughtful songs (listen to "Am I The Only One" above). A lot of their American hits, however, are pretty dated.

Rush rules and one day you will be man enough to understand.

I cannot wait for this album. It's ridiculous. Also, I just recently returned to Travis Morrison's solo stuff and All Y'all is a friggin' fantastic, terribly underrated album. Pitchfork really did a tremendous amount of unnecessary damage with their dick swinging.

Hot Fuzz > Shaun >>>>Scott Pilgrim

So I'll jump in here and humbly state that I think The Slider is the better album. I'm not talking leaps and bounds here, but I really think the title track of that album is Bolan's finest moment.

whoa whoa whoa, watch what you say about pro wrestling. Sure, it's mostly idiotic, but when it's good; it's great.


I've tired out on indie in a major way, but Dirty Projectors are still a band I find interesting. They write some unique, challenging music that also manages to be super enjoyable. Then again, my favorite bands were always a marriage of the weird and the populace pleasing (think Talking Heads). These guys are like a

Yeah, good bands aren't "white" and have "balls." Also HIPSTERS!!!! Dirty Projectors are so white that their music is hugely indebted to R&B and gospel. What a bunch white hipster pussies. Also, punk is the best. Also, I've listened to In Praise Of Learning, which was some truly experimental shit. This bridging of

No, you're supposed to hate them because of "hipster" something or "posturing" whatever.

I've always thought of these guys as the indie Steely Dan crossed with Captain Beefheart (precise, meticulous arrangements for songs that seem to barely hold together). To me, that's a hugely positive thing, but so many people think they're the worst.

Aykroyd. It's Aykroyd.

Yeah, I know that among comedians Kinison is like a god. I'd say his early years are pretty godlike, but he really drops off a cliff when he starts to become aware of his success.

Yeah, that seems patently incorrect. Simonon was about as studly as punk rock got. And man did he look cool playing the bass.

Saw it last night. It's a touch generic, but it's leaps and bounds more engaging than the non-entity that was Adventureland.

Then you didn't listen to "The Wreckers"


Well, the Yes Album is good too (and I've got time for self-titled and Relayer), but Close To The Edge is one of the more amazing albums I've ever heard.