
Is he really?

Mr. Peanutbutter is the worst, and everything Diane said was true.

Is… Is Vikram not aware that Raja did not fly to Frankfurt?

Is it weird that since I've seen the season, this makes perfect sense to me?

I prefer to think of it as the greatest attempted portrayal of The Onion's Diamond Joe Biden ever put to screen.

I feel like the only person in love with this.

Saw this last night in a predominantly black theater, with easily the best peanut gallery I have ever had at a movie. It may have enhanced the experience, but fuck it, the movie was great on it's own anyways. Easily one of the best movies I've seen all year. Also loved the ending monologue.

I don't think he's working anything. He's legitimately reaching out to EST, and to Sandra.

Sadly I think that the use of Evil Empire, seeing her mother, and her eventual discovery of Paige' betrayal is going to permanently put Elizabeth on the side of hard line ideologue.

On a lighter note…

Important juxtaposition: Paige informs Pastor Tim about her parents as Reagan gives his Evil Empire speech to a meeting of EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS.

My heart was gonna explode that entire time. I thought that's where they were going too but it got even more horrifying when she turned to the phone.

Important thing to remember: She just said they were Russians. Didn't say they were agents. So they have a little bit of time, whatever long that may be.


Can you describe the running fuck you Paige joke?

I'm the opposite, it's the only part of the movie I loved.

How the fuck did that garbage Loneliest Planet make the list?

I hope it's #1

Haywire at 51?
