
I didn't even see your comment and I made the same joke. How did we both come up with 5 hours?

I just can't wait to get out of Africa

Grateful that NBC never had any promos of Hugh Dancy with the tagline, "Where there's a Will . . . there's a way!"

Bedelia's look of "I can't frikkin believe I'm watching two people eat human!" was priceless. Some great comedy in this episode.

I'm in the mood for a sullen burger with a side of french cries

So does this mean everyone who congregates there will find out that they'll have to start learning new ways to end sentences rather than,"____ at its finest" or "pathetic"?

I wanted to make that reference!

*sigh* It's actually "I ain't afraid of Know Ghosts". That means he's not afraid of knowledgeable ghosts.

It's true! She loves telephones!

I thought that was the tagline for the sequel to the Slimer spin-off?

ugh. . . I knew they'd make Slimer black

It's like an Inferno up in here!

Yeah, I think there was a mix up. I think they switched our ads by mistake. Here, I think I have your ad for "Jitterbug Easy-To-Use Cellphones"

I'm getting a Tre Cool/Tweedy with a dash of Jeremy Renner.

Oh he's allergic alright. But those drones will do what they're supposed to right before he shows up.

More in the fingers

Sex isn't the same thing as gender.

Your comment paired with your avatar is giving me intense anxiety. I never want to see She-Hulk upset/angry.


I hope we never live in a Wachowski world in which white dudes walk around in yellowface.