
Only thing good about this headline was that I thought Toby Keith died

You say "muslim terrorist" like there could possibly be any other kind of terrorist . . . oh wait

Anyone associated with Wonderfalls is aces in my book.

hmm, I'm getting a real George Takei vibe in his tweets. As in his social media persona doesn't really sound like him and this just seems like a calculated attempt at pulling in a very specific type of fanbase.

Murasaki was his aunt

Though for some reason the whole booze part of it took a backseat

Well, he IS coming back apparently



oh god. Thats who I meant. Not the asian american porn star.

Isn't longbox that monthly subscription service where every month you get a box full of various Jeremy Long themed merchandise?

Pfft, typical turtle

It was such an oafish, sitcom husband thing of him to say it was so hilarious.


I mean, she probably didn't have much to pack right? I just imagine her with her suitcase, all dressed and ready to go and just lying back on her bed like a frustrated teenager.

Firefly. Firefly larvae feed on snails to fuel their transformation

I know Fuller has said that they're taking liberties with Hannibal's origin story. I take it they weren't particularly fond of Hannibal Rising.

Yup, when I see people wearing hunting jackets I usually think, "That's so anime!"

Maybe I'm getting my facts wrong but I thought I remember hearing that Chiyo's character would have some shades of Murasaki

anime chick?