
You can be an ally/advocate without appropriating one's culture. Hell, the NAACP was founded by a bunch of white people and they didn't feel it necessary to project an image of how they saw black people to be. One of the main issues here is that, while she may have made some positive contributions, she did this at

She plagiarized her paintings btw. With Trans persons there are actual differences in the brain, this is not just a purely surface thing. Dozeal also said she was being discriminated as a white woman when trying to get into Howard.
This also sets an ugly precedent for every shitty frat/sorority kid that wants to get

So was it a coincidence it was called Herman's Head AND his love interest/antagonist was named Heddy? Or just a really dumb joke?

Hm, I would've went with Cartoon the Barbarian

It was a necessary prequel to That 80s Show.

If you're a dude, make sure your profile pic is of you having sex so others know that you like to have sex and are capable of getting laid.

Is it just me or does this feel, like, really tonally off to have this under such a section as "Great Job, Internet!" ?

Thank you. Both of your viewpoints make perfect sense but it's just . . . did they really have to do that? Then again I'm a huge fan of The Sarah Silverman Program.

Can someone explain why the title of this episode was necessary? But no one here seems to have a problem with it so it must be ok, right?

No doubt she's a pathological liar/narcissist but she's not crazy. "Crazy" is never a useful word to use in trying to diagnose someone.

That turtle's not weird!

Hey, I LIKE water!

And yet I still have to endure that godawful Jeremy Piven ad.

This one was pretty good but the one with the all black women panel mightve been my favorite.

I've noticed a lot of those people usually preface their comments with "Now I haven't been following it too closely but. . . " or some variation of admitting they know little about those matters

I agree for the most part but I do not feel that she is crazy. Hear me out, at no point in any of those interviews where's she's being confronted does she NOT look like she knows she's getting called out. She clearly displays awareness through her discomfort. A "crazy" person would- without hesitation- lie through

"I dunno, I just thought your boner would like it as much as mine did."

Is that you, Chris Claremont?!

Actually I dont live far from ATL. I'll take ignorant club bangers any day over that . . . boat shoe rock or whatever you call it.

I once sat next to a guy on an airplane who insisted on only listening to fun. on his phone . . . WITHOUT EARBUDS. And when he was asked to turn it down by the stewardess, he went, "um I dont HAVE earphones! Hello?" He was the worst. Closest I ever came to killing someone.