
All I could think of was how it must've smelled

no, YOU are!

Re: Freddie
I read in an interview where they said (or at least are considering the idea) that Freddie would actually die via flaming chair. Like, "Thanks for the idea, this is what you get for trying to fool us"

I hate to say it but yeah, I agree. I'm just hoping we can attribute all of this heavy dialogue to each respective characters recovery from last season's aftermath. I'm not saying it will be gone entirely but I feel that once the season finally gets up and running we can expect a lot less pontificating.

Wouldn't Miriam Lass be the better replacement for Starling?

But I want to know what happened to that hussy Madeline.

Not familiar with her material but for your consideration: Mary Kate Wiles

Switch out Will Ferrell with cgi Chris Farley and I'm there

He doesn't like it! LET'S GET HIM!!!

So that's what Chris Kattan's been up to

In interviews, Bryan Fuller has referred to the first half of the season as basically, "The Talented Dr Lecter"

I feel ya but it's not like they haven't had to deal with that obstacle in the previous seasons. As much as I loved s2, I feel like they're just getting started. I'm curious as to how they'll portray an imprisoned Hannibal and what their original take is going to be to tie it all up in the proposed final season. And

I mean, more like Hannibal LECTURE with all those boring. . . lectures, right?

I think I remember that part where he said that. Good catch!

Fuller's said there are no plans for SoTL in season 4.

You might want to look up who Scott Buck is.

There's no such thing as asking discretely when it's 2:35am and I'm trying to drunk whisper in the drive thru.

There's no reason you had to end your comment with that song but you did.
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly. . .

Why isn't it called LumberJacquelines?

Pfft. Whatta bunch of amateurs.