
He sounds like if Jimmy Fallon did an impersonation of a mash up of Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno

I don't experience much difficulty in finding out if something is fake, but any advice as to how to find out if it's fake AND gay?

Saying somethings "a thing now" is apparently still a thing

Can we throw Lincoln in there as well?

*slowly bangs head against wall*

I mean, I know that black women and asian men are treated as less desirable in the media which then affects how a lot of mainstream society see these two groups but there's an actual study?!

This guy gets it

All signs point to it being an asian dude hooking up with a black woman.

Thank you for even broaching a subject that is rarely brought up. But Dong's Vietnamese accent? Have you ever heard one? His accent is more like straight up Chinglish.
And while I'm happy a popular show like Walking Dead has an am/wf couple, let's not kid ourselves; if I was new to watching this show and you asked me

Props for name dropping Sessue. Also, look up James Shigeta. Old Japanese American actor. His two big lead roles were him cast opposite a white leading lady. There's a great tribute reel up on youtube. It really leaves you wondering, "What went wrong with Hollywood?"

The cut it because test audiences weren't down with it.

"true internet hero"= Former SNL cast member Noel Wells

I'll have you know that couch is 1/4 bench on its fathers side

Your experience really upsets me, I'm sorry. I do think you accurately nailed what is a problem with not only this, but a lot of other fandoms. I agree that I think I like the idea of Carol more than any of the recent stories that have been presented. I tried really hard to enjoy any of KSD's run but it just felt. .

or oddly latino sounding accent

This was on point, thank you. Also, congrats.

So long, Leigh aka Mary Lynn Rajskub Jr

Her "Stars of Tomorrow" sketch killed me. Hope they bring it back.

Why do you hate apartments so much? Not all of them are shitty! How would you like it if someone said called your house a mean thing?

What about Book? I mean, his hair is white. Beat ya there!