
But why? Korean culture and Vietnamese culture are incredibly different. You wouldn't speak with a Canadian accent but say the character is from Alabama.

I'm stoked they got an actual handsome asian guy but everything else. . . ugh.
The thing about the accents on FotB is that that's actually a tricky accent to nail without overdoing it. Here they just replaced a vietnamese accent with some Chinglish.

Let me be clear: All the shit he says about Vietnamese culture is not even real. That's not even a Vietnamese accent. Also, he doesn't smoke nearly enough cigarettes.

Small consolation. Yeah, I'm stoked to see that on tv but now I'm back to feeling like it's not enough.
I mean, when we watch romantic comedies and there's the main male protagonist and the naggy girlfriend, no one's stoked because "Yay! There's finally a woman in a movie!" We want characters that are developed; and

Just curious, from one asian to another, what kind of community are you surrounded with and where do you find yourself class wise?
I ask this because there was a time I really didn't care about media portrayals as much I do now and that was largely in part that lived in a place where I didn't deal with nearly as much

A lot of her characters are stereotypes, yes but with Fey & Co there is a variation with the different representations of white people. Not so much with POC characters. There's nothing satirical about the concept of Dong. He's just a straight up stereotype. I constantly am seeing comments that there's a subversion

I . . . I need to lay down.

Boring? Yes. But it's Lucy Fucking Lawless.

+Lucy Lawless

It bothered me that there were even pop tarts in the house! She hides it really well but Jessica seems to spoil the fuck outta her kids with those name brand american foods.

Seeing that rigid fist up in the air when the trailer premiered was honestly the moment I was sold on watching this show. Her physical comedy just kills me.

I agree but when discussing a female character title I think maybe it should be mandatory they at least consider one.

I have the first few issues of Sword; never got around to finishing it. But it was typical Luna Bros in that it was fun WTFness and nice character moments.

That's crappy, I'm sorry. Well that makes me feel better about constantly falling asleep near the end of his Cap run and then finding his X-Men run to be a beige fest.

*pushes up glasses* I believe you mean G Willow Wilson's! (I only say that because I'm not down with B-Woodz)

Are you kidding me? That's incredibly simple of him.


ahahaha. yeah, someone pointed that out to me awhile back on here. This guy was a non asian who named several guys on here that are asian with spanish influenced names. There are at least 2 or 3 more guys like us on here.

Yeah, that was the twitter response I was referring to. He's soooo punk.

It's cool, I was looking to drop Daredevil anyways