
Remender is just full of problems. His Uncanny Avengers speech and his twitter response, his history of poorly written POC characters and then I saw him on the Marvel youtube channel in an interview in which he got publicly grossed out when a male fan said he was attractive.

I don't doubt that harassment is so commonplace but my brain just-agh. I stopped reading Remender's stuff (w the exception of Uncanny bc I need my Rogue fix). I dropped Brian Wood's X-Men (it was boring anyways). I hate that you had to experience that. Do you mean Waid and Gillen joined in on the harassment?

Eh, as a fellow oriental I leaned more towards Jubilee (I was a fan of Psylocke though but for obviously different reasons). Granted, neither her nor Psylocke had anything asian about them past their looks but it was nice to see an asian american being written as just an american. No bowlcut or chinkified name. Nor

Are you kidding me? That's fucking gross. How is there not some hashtag or something out there demanding he get fired? That is Adam Baldwin levels of asshole.

This. Is. The. Best.

I enjoy Alex + Ada but that might be because of my appreciation for the Luna Bros. It's definitely a slow burn, economical book but I like that.

No doubt I had a thing for her but I was also going through puberty. I'm just saying that during the 90's that there were so many characters that gained notoriety for their looks and fans can't seem to pinpoint why they loved a character other than that "they looked cool"

Oh I totally get that part but know your market. You wouldn't make a kids or teens movie without pairing it up with the right kind of product placement or action figure line, so why would it be any different for comic books geared towards teenagers/people with expendable income? The bottom line is while the material

Spot on. I've sounded like an a-hole too many times because someone's favorite character is Psylocke or Gambit and while I realize the 90's were an influential time for many, I just have the urge to shake them and say "it was all a lie!".

I was just referencing how the fandom created bootleg figures/plush dolls and torrented episodes but when it came down to it, they bought any and every licensed item to show support. That then convinced Hasbro to take more chances with putting out more figures from the series and dvds. (full disclosure: I wasn't

*drags feet* but I endured her Marvel stuff so long it's hard to muster up curiosity for more of her stuff. Should I just buy an issue and see where it takes me or do I have to read an arc? I'm trying to keep an open mind here.

"I do kind of have a vague suspicion that the new online fan communities, such as they, do not actually buy that much shit and even when they do, they're more likely to buy it unofficial etsy type stuff than the official stuff"
I'm getting MLP/Brony vibes all over again.

Seriously, how does she expect to conceal her identity with a name like that?!

A great parallel can be made with the music industry. Out of old institutions come sub genres/underground/independents. Go to any convention and you'll see plenty of artists trying to get their creator owned stuff off the ground while also employing techniques specific to the digital age.

I dunno, money? Doing a high profile gig where you work in some confines can be a little liberating in terms of not having to stress so much about creating your own shit all of the time. Kind of like how so many talented comedians justify taking roles in mediocre comedies; they get a little extra cash and some

It could be a result of an old system that has no accurate way of calculating how new content is consumed. I bet if sales didn't rely solely on books but on merchandise as well we'd see some difference. I love my Kamala Khan but I just have this feeling like I'm not doing enough. No, I'm not gonna create fan art or

Does that make G Willow Wilson the first ever exclusive female writer?

Gambit?! Why is anyone still trying with him?!!

I tried, god, did I try to get into Kelly Sue. I bought her Ms Marvel and followed her into Captain Marvel. Sooo much useless dialogue! I felt crazy for not immediately falling in love with it despite everyone else's reactions.

Oh I have no clue. There is an argument for the fact that we're possibly seeing more independent work created because of this. Women and POC don't see too much diversity in creative teams at the big two so they need to go do more creator owned type of stuff. Maybe that creates a cycle? I feel there's a few factors