
Yeah that is lame. Especially considering Sana Amanat's promotion. And where's Marjorie Liu?

Certainly there is a trend of "diverse" titles facing more obstacles hence why the whole "stop changing the race/gender of characters and create your own" thing is so problematic. Books that do not have a white male protagonist are almost set to fail. I was thinking "Oh they just kept Latour and Rodriguez on because

"Marvel will happily take women’s money, but isn’t interested in hiring any of them to tell the story of a young woman"
It is curious the lack of hiring female writers for She-Hulk and Silk but I'm assuming that you're aware of G Willow Wilson and Kelly Sue. Granted, these are more like two exceptions than anything

How did you manage to be less funnier than a Californians sketch?

Michael Turner influenced art aside, I really enjoyed Batman/Superman: Apocalypse. It's nothing incredibly dense as far as storylines go but it was just a fun, basic, comic book movie with some of the best choreographed fight scenes (mainly the Wonder Woman/Big Barda one) I've ever seen.

"he's an Asian character who the show managed to flesh out to feel like a real person"
He's supposed to be Vietnamese yet that accent is unlike any I've heard. This is some Gedde Watanabe shit. Also none of the words he says are Vietnamese are even real. It's clear they did zero research in actual Vietnamese culture.

Finished the season the other day. I'm torn between how much I loved Kemper's performance and then there's all that other stuff. I'm beginning to think that, similar to my feelings for Joss Whedon, I shouldn't expect too much from Fey & Co's brand of white feminism.

"their attention to detail is real"
Maybe in terms of Native American culture but that Dong character might as well be played by Mickey Rooney or Gedde Watanabe with how ridiculous it is. None of what makes up that character remotely resembles Vietnamese culture. It's really disappointing.

Kimmy's backup vocals to the Lion King are still stuck in my head and I have no complaints.

That line was reverberating through my mind anytime she was on screen. So good.

It's "Xan-y"

Worlds Collide: Cecily Strong and Scifi.
I need to . . .do my taxes.

I get the speaking voice Iggy: normal australian voice
But what in the world was the rapping? Just imitate TI. Boom. Done. You just need to create a wide contrast and people get the point. This was . . . just bad.

While she can be funny I've often been getting a sense of deja vu anytime she's on screen. She reuses so manner mannerisms and cadences. The cold open was the nail in the coffin as far as me thinking she had any range.

I really don't know what it is with this writing team's love for stereotypes. I've waited it out and they don't really subvert anything if that's the goal.

At least we have a Long Duk Dong-esque character for this generation.

I don't know why I'm surprised considering I couldn't stand the last few seasons of 30 Rock. I'm almost done with this season and I'm just kind of disappointed with how zany it gets. Ellie Kemper is the only reason I keep watching.

Ellie Kemper is the sole reason I'm watching this. Longtime fan of hers and this show is a great showcase for her talent. Kemper's performance in this is remarkable without overdoing it. I'd want someone to make a compilation of all the tiny bits she does with her character but they are countless. Ever like an actor

While I had no problem with Eddie's behavior (being that he's 11 years old) there was an interview I read somewhere where he talked about how he wasn't into the Eddie character spraying capri sun on the neighbor's chest because he thought it just perpetuated the idea that all rap is is just misogyny.

Her running through the house screaming while crushing a glass of water in her hand is maybe my favorite moment of hers next to her episode of Newsreaders where she jumped on a teenagers bones for writing a song about her. Also her long defunct youtube channel was a lot of fun.