
I think it's an offshoot of emo

I dunno. I'm too distracted by Anka's tendency to draw those mouth slits that he's so good at.

Asians are known for not aging terribly, so I assumed she was in her early 20's.

"Angie has been fine as Peggy’s friend outside of work, but the series didn’t lose anything when she didn’t appear in last week’s episode. She’s just not that interesting a character,"

You don't need an excuse to eat your hat, y'know. Let your freak flag fly

Amy's excitement at her "nine nine" working made me want to take her out for pizza, I was so happy for her.

Life in Pizzas

I really only trust her fudge based product.

But orientals are supposed to be all subservient and shit!

For many of us asians, her character resonated deeply. I saw a woman who wanted to ensure the best for her family because she was very aware of the obstacles that non whites have to deal with. They even say it near the end of the show how in asian families you don't tell each other how much you love them, you speak

That was . . . beautiful *sniff*


*Club Air Horn Noise*

Ah! They Marvel'd me! Just went back to check and yes, it's her and amazing as usual.

Yeah, when Eddie got those straight A's I just thought, "So young, so foolish"

Loved both episodes. Yeah, the accents are shaky but they get the main idea of the Asian Parent struggle dead on. The kids are adorable. I don't know how they'll integrate some of the more violent aspects of Eddie's childhood but I'm just overjoyed this show is on tv. Upon seeing the trailer for this series and the

Having lunchables was something I could never experience in my asian household. Please, tell me. . . how did it feel?

Eh, watching his interviews, his web series and reading his book lends me to believe he's the real deal. Fake or not, he's doing a helluva lot for Asian America than other people are. He deserves our support.

I fully back Eddie Huang. You might think he's abrasive or a "real dick" but I see him as someone we needed long ago. We're not the model minority that white america wants us to be. Eddie's just being real about it and I thank him for being so upfront. We've had to deal with having our voices sidelined for too long,