
Good to know.

Crap. Saw this after I posted my other response. Our pull list is more or less the same. Daredevil, She-Hulk, Cyclops, Black Widow (just dropped Elektra), and I just got Angela in my latest shipment. Haven't read it yet but have heard good things. I also have to have my X books because they always need to be a

I picked up Amazing #9 because of Spider-Gwen. The fact that Coipel is involved was just a tasty bonus. Axis . . . god. What am I reading?! Is this supposed to be Marvel's big event? I usually drool over stories where characters identities/realities are subverted but this is just boring.
Ms Marvel= that title is my

I will burn the world if anything happens to my Ms Marvel. I love Captain Marvel but I just can't get fully on board with DeConnick's writing. Love her, though. I wasn't a big Fraction fan but Hawkeye is the exception for me. More specifically when he's writing Kate Bishop. Male Hawkeye I can take or leave.
Nice to

I'm reading it because I thought it would be a fun concept and I love me some Rogue but it's just another instance in which Remender mucks shit up. I guess the only reason I'm still reading is because of the time and money I've spent on it. http://www.nerdcenaries.com…

Haha, fair enough. But my heart breaks for her! I am enjoying Teen Cyclops though. I did was the original staff was still on his solo title.

Yeaaah with those examples I'm not surprised you aren't a Marvel fan. I'll say that the main draw for Captain America for me was John Romita Jr's art. It wasn't until Remender had to do his usual "kill a woman" trope that I dropped it. The less said about Deadly Class and Black Science the better.
As far as his

I absolutely agree, it's an overused word. But I'd argue that people aren't looking for things to get offended by so much as they're just getting more informed on how a lot of -isms are prevalent in fiction/society as a whole so it's very easy to identify those occurrences.
In terms of Remender and Black Science

Yeah, based on your other comment regarding romantic dramas it does have that quality of relationship drama (which I unashamedly gravitate towards) but you still have the art. It's certainly an acquired taste but maybe it'll be different for you now that you know what you're getting into.

Uncanny but no "All-New"? But it's got young Jean Grey!!

Out of curiosity, what titles if any have you been reading of Marvel? I actually think they've been hitting it out of the park with their new titles (then again I'm absolutely biased) and I found myself picking up titles to characters that I never would imagine reading i.e. She-Hulk.

Which book were you reading? I know I had to drop Deadly Class and Black Science after thinking, "What is his issue with killing women and poorly written minorities?"
Thankfully, I wasn't reading any Lobdell but the Wood controversy really bummed me out. Not because I was a fan of him but I haven't felt as excited

Ehh, honestly if you're not feeling this I'm not sure how open you'd be to their other works. But if you're interested, both GIRLS and The Sword (which I actually never got around to finishing) had interesting premises that (at least I felt) had a great underlying foundation of character interaction. At the least,

I haven't read the final issue either but I unfortunately had that premature feeling upon reading the last one where I said, "Is it over yet?"

To each their own. I've had a friend read a Luna Bros book on my recommendation and have a similar response to yours. For me it feels subtle and detailed. A slow burn as @disqus_t4ptUt8ubM:disqus described.

Around 5:03 with his response to getting complimented by a man. Some might obviously see it as no big deal but for me this gay panic seemed consistent with his need to perpetuate these "superior straight white male" characters in his titles. There are many articles up if you google "rick

Glad Alex + Ada made the list. I've been a consistent follower of the Luna Bros so it's always nice to seem them get props. I imagine some people can view their works as maybe sexist but they have such a knack for dialogue/characters.

As much as I enjoy that title I felt that it kind of stalled with the last few issues. I found myself waiting for them to wrap up whatever heist they were pulling already.

The more I read Remender's stuff and the more I see him in interviews the more problematic he seems. I'm only reading Uncanny Avengers because I spent so much time reading it. I used to really like him but dude's got issues.

Especially odd since they had an article earlier this year praising the title. If it wasn't for the AVclub I would'nt have added it to my pull list.