
(pours out the rest of my morning 40)

Gray with wookie pattern baldness.

I know it's just a teaser but we don't even get to see a single alien? Or is that just JJ Abrams being a jackass again? He's holding out until it's too late and we realize he hired the same character designer for his other movies and every creature looks like the cloverfield monster/super 8 alien?

"three blades" a pivoting head AND a lubricating strip.

What does it being a Disney property have to do with it? Jar Jar, the Ewoks, Jedi Rocks, and tons of other prequel shit had no problem existing before Disney.

No one ever said the modeling industry was pretty! Am I right?

Needs more upvotes. That sketch is required viewing.

You don't need an excuse!

Catherine Keener is one of those actors that can do no wrong in my eyes.

I hope Sean beats that pompous fucktards ass. Everytime Samuel is on screen I actually groan, "OH shut the fuck up!"

They gave him his own side of the frikkin table.

This is the headshot for the precocious, chubby kid in a new family sitcom.

"in a good way"


I'd say he's on borrowed time given what (limited) skill he provides the show but then I look at past/present cast members that have overstayed their welcome.

Excited for this. Although the giant fish shark makes me want to go poo in my pants.

Actually she was so preoccupied with looking at her reflection in the mirror because babygirl is looking FOINE

Is she? Or are you talking about Judy Greer?

I've repeatedly said the Azzarello book is a perfect template for how to adapt WW.