
"Why should we celebrate someone just for being an asian brotha from anotha motha? Can't we expect Hollywood to treat us as fully formed human beings?"
This is a very good point. We shouldn't settle for mediocrity but the momentum needs to start somewhere. As you know, minorities need to be twice as competent to be

I'm not contesting her tour schedule. It's just kind of groan worthy. "I live in Texas! and New York! Wait no I don't I live on the road!" I know plenty of people that tour constantly. None of them have ever said they "live on the road". It just sounds douchey.

No lie, I live in GA as well. While I do agree that ethnicity should shape the perceptions of the character I'd go as far as to argue that how we portray ourselves and how we perceive others in context of race is pretty much out the window when it comes to the zombie apocalypse. Structures are being redefined. But I

I'm not gonna complain about the show incorporating more representation. What's the alternative? Make Glenn a foreigner/tech geek/asexual? Not that it matters, but as an Asian American it's refreshing to see someone like Glenn on tv that isn't reduced to stereotypes. In fact I relate a lot to him and no one's ever

Best Part: "I think that will balance all of . . .*mimes weird shirt and robot/alien movements*

In related news, Michael Chiklis is no longer a Thing

Yeah but I think given the precedence of the Wonder Woman movie, Marvel might want to at least consider getting some female talent on board as writer and/or director.

"Must everything be split in two parts these days? I get it, it's profitable. Fuck Twilight for coming up with the idea first."

"To be a thing" is still a thing.

Iconically, I was watching this the other day!

Thanks to your edit now all I can think of is a douchebag Captain America where he brags about how he got his name, "Fuck you bro! My dick's been in Betsy Ross!"

Finds Subway wrappers in the trash. Plot thickens.

Oh I forgot about that. But wasn't that originally filmed for the Avengers? I remember hearing about how they cut out a scene where Rogers visits Peggy in the modern day. Don't know if it's the same.

When did this (picture of Ugly Organ) become hotter than this (picture of penis)?

I'd definitely put Winter Soldier in the top 3 of Marvel movies. It had everything going for it except I didn't really find any moments that tugged at me emotionally. Ok, maybe the scenes where you see Skinny Rogers but for a more dramatic film I was expecting more. I'm fine with this speculation but I do wonder

And here I was hoping I'd be dead in that time frame. Looks like I'm putting off death for a few more years! sigh

That's not very smart. Now if she dressed up as Beauty and the Beast Landsbury then you'd have somewhere to put your fluids after your bone sesh.

Hm, well it does kind of sound like you enjoy taking away pleasure from your life but I'll just go with the guess that you clicked the link in hopes that someone would show you what the true meaning of Christmas is all about?

I dunno. I never really got the impression that he's the ruler type. I don't see him willing to take on subjects. Taking charge, yes but having to deal with underlings/lackeys and all that seems like something that he'd have zero patience for.

What was up with that scene? Did they really waste their entire budget on Carol morphing into a cgi wolf, eyes bugging out, tongue wagging, saying "Homina homina homina awOOOOOOO!!!"