
Thinking more about it, I believe it was an episode of Wife Swap. So this might've had something to do with it either being on ABC/primetime/or a regional thing.

They're all the fuckin' same. Someone should tell them to go back to their own shire.


I think in terms of Gandalf you could argue that it doesn't look like a cigarette nor a typical smoking pipe so who's to say it's actually tobacco and not some crazy elf herb?
In relatedness, I forgot what program I was watching but a character was smoking a cigarette and they had to blur it out. If anything that

While I kind of agree with you in regards to Daryl, I think we've seen a great development on Carol's part.
But to only refer to Glenn as 'the asian guy'? Uh, if that's all you see in that character then that's really no one else's issue but yours. His ethnicity has never been a point of conversation outside of Daryl

"Rappaport's Wrap Port". A tortilla based snack kiosk only found at airports owned by famed actor and hip hop documentarian, Michael Rappaport.

Kirk Cameron. In Panties.

Hey! That earpiece isn't stupid!

Out of all the suggestions for casting, I believe she makes the most sense. I can totally see her punching the crap out of big things as well as bantering with the other actors. As much as I enjoyed her in Battlestar, I feel that Katee Sackhoff is just a lazy choice.

I actually would like whatever happened in Budapest to remain a mystery. Something that will always be an inside reference to them only.

Does anybody even notice? Does anybody even care?

I think we believe that we'd prefer the mystery but ultimately I think it's dependent on if the origin material is good or not. Wolverine is a good example. Whether you're thinking of the original mini series or the "Origin" one, it's arguable that his character wasn't ruined by those revelations (overexposure, now

When it was at the top of its game, yeah. Throw Raising Hope in there as well.

Ok I haven't watched season 3 yet and I've avoided all spoilers. I thought season 2 was painfully boring. Should I even bother?

Where's the Key?

Oh god. You had to say her name. I think I was finally healing from that heartbreak that was her and Topher.

Having stayed away from Interstellar spoilers AND having no interest in the movie, you've actually managed to gain my interest in seeing it slightly. But do they say the title of the movie IN the movie?

Yeah, I'm realizing he works best with other characters but that still doesn't give me a feeling that he has his own shit to deal with. Yeah yeah I remember Merle and all but I felt there could've been more conflict with that imho. As I said in another comment though, the Carol stuff is working for him but I do focus

I've watched since the beginning and I'll admit he did add that "badass" factor at first but now he's hardly anymore of a badass than Carol or well, much any other character. It just seems like everyone has kind of caught up with him and his development has floundered. I don't think he's a bad actor but I don't see

Oh dude, I hear plenty about him from friends. I mean, I get the whole "women like filthy looking white dudes" thing but he looks like the older brother that still lives at home and says really offensive shit on Facebook. And he has the face of an old asian man. Sigh, the heart wants what it wants.