
Oh no, you'd be correct in your assumption. Another thought I had was that this is almost like how some creep would reinterpret the Hit Girl costume to be a sexualized adult but it just looks like it's silly and trying too hard. As for your last costume I have the same story.

Yeah, this costume looks like something from a fan video's attempt to make a gritty reimagining. But as for the iconic look, ya think so? Granted, the fishnets would look a little ridiculous but I just feel there could've been a little nod to that.

I don't watch this show so please excuse me for asking but what's wrong with using the costume from the comic books? Isn't that basically a blueprint the show could use?

I hope everyone that goes to see this says "Could you believe that? Those bosses were HORRIBLE!" upon leaving the theater. Please? It's my Make a Wish.

*ahem* Uh, they're called midgets!

It's like her entire face is chewing bubblegum!

I've never heard him referred to as "Billy" until this review. He is neither a girl nor a little boy. Bill. Just Bill.

Loved the Bobbi/Hunter exchange. Another episode in a row that I found really enjoyable. Is there going to come a time where I stop feeling surprised with how much I'm enjoying this show now?

but that's not . . .sigh. nevermind.

"Legs like Ebola" is gonna be a new song, isn't it?

Right there with you. It's like her presence demands that I fall madly in love with her. I feel like if her and I ever hung out she'd really get me, ya know?

I immediately had to google which Bill Withers song it was while watching the show. I feel like such a dumb dumb for not yet having heard it.

Joke's on you! I don't even HAVE a dentist! *chomp chomp*

I thought Pop Tarts were the poor man's Toaster Strudel? Either way I had neither.

I like big booty asses

Thank GOD. Now I have something to pair with the GoBots DVDs I got for the kids.

Why do you feel you need an excuse? Just eat em. Eff the haters.

How is this any different than what Marilyn Manson did?

All of these sweatpant boners are wasted

Gimme Sandwich
Gimme Ssssssssnake antidote
Gimme S. . .E . . .X
Gimme Spellcheck