
edit: "Selfies"

Good Modine, Sunshine

"No! Our powers!!!"
- Siskel & Ebert

. . . that thumb collecting whore

Modineary People

Who has two thumbs and loves collecting body parts?

You beat me to the dad situation.

I've said it from the start, he's just dressing up as his idol James Hetfield.

I think I've been able to pinpoint my love for her is that if she was a cartoon animal she would no doubt be a tiny, loyal dog. I like dogs.

The F Word might've been my favorite of his shows. Him hanging out with friends, people cooking for fun. Fantastic series.

The Millersville bit perfectly inspired the same amount of rage in me that I would've had if it was a real show like Lost/Mad Men/Breaking Bad.

But do you think he'll really get the part? I mean, c'mon! There are other more talented actors. In fact, you could say they are

I half read this comment and imagined a scenario where there's a wrestler that is so bad that he only gets into the ring because he's homeless and that grappling with his opponent is his only source of warmth.

"Cool old Kangol bucket hat"

Haven't seen BH6 yet but absolutely agree with UP and TDK. It gets to the point where I just want to ask people, "Do you just say what you think you have to say?" I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

I thought that was the city of Gotham itself? I mean, the city really is its own character if you think about it.

And then when they introduce Robin,
"Where does he get those wonderful little boys?"

It's in the front part.

"No real movie would do that
. . .now where can I find some female characters to kill?"