
That part right after where the cop's mom pats him on the head and gives him a cookie was just weird.

What about those that hate music festivals AND are tired of staring at goddamn beards?

No, you're right. She's frikkin adorable.

You wanna make a movie about a REAL monster? Make one of my ex wife!

Most of his appearances on US television are a shame because if you watch the British version of Kitchen Nightmares or any of his other shows, you get a real sense of someone who's very passionate and open minded about his work and willing to become like somewhat of a teacher/cheerleader for others. I've felt his

Yes to the song and Donnie Darko. Oh god. I was the person in the group that would just sit by, baffled, at everyone talking that shit up

Stupidly looked at her instagram and watched a clip of her singing with a guitar. I . . . I-I think I need moment. No, YOU'RE crying!

Flashback to puberty when my parents would bang on the door yelling "Violence is never the answer!!!"

I just assumed he was doing a joke that worked both ways. Let's just leave it at that.

I think if Beth was a leader not only would there be storytime and lullabies but a mandatory puppy hour. UGH.

404 is the Atlanta area code

It was difficult to look at her tonight and not get angry at how attractive she is.

And Emily Kinney. That sweet, lovely, unique butterfly that is Beth.

Are you kidding me?! Ok, so clearly dude is lurking. No other explanation. Or his mom.

Both of my comments specifically about Che were flagged. Uh, ooooook?

Did your comments on Michael Che get flagged too?

I'll try to comment on it (even though for some reason my last two comments regarding him got flagged?) but yeah, I used to follow him on twitter and while he's not a raging misogynist, dude definitely has his opinions about women, domestic violence, and blackface that definitely scream ignorant.

Come to think of it, it's not even recent. I used to follow him on twitter and while the things he said weren't over the top, his viewpoint when it comes to women is kinda . . . ehhh. I just had to steer clear.

Might be getting the details wrong but I believe she stepped down because it took away from her being in other sketches. Which is weird because I'm not sure how much that affected Poehler when she was on update.

Don't forget his saying that blackface isn't racist a few days prior to that.