
That's gotta be confusing. Wouldn't the name Binary be tied up with X-Men?

That doesn't sound like Fiege. He totally refers to her as ScarJo.

Fiege's rationale: "It's about bringing new characters to the screen. Black Widow couldn't be more important as an Avenger, and her part in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' is very, very big and further develops and enhances her saga."

A Kamala Khan series on ABC would make so much sense.

Just sexualize her. There.

It was trolling at its best. As a Jawbreaker fan I loved how it unsettled the punks that took themselves too seriously. Even the guys from Jawbreaker got a kick out of it.

Introducing a new generation to the power of quotable quotes about being an insufferable person.

Another thing to add: The more I listen to it, the more Speak Now reminds me of a Jimmy Eat World album. Upon that realization I had to google if anyone else heard a similarity not knowing that JEW had already paid tribute to Swift.

Just listened to Speak Now based on this description and you're remarkably spot on. I've casually listened to some of her stuff in the past but this one stood out and felt a lot more dynamic compared to 1989. Thanks for the recommendation!

It's not a stupid movie! You're Stupid! *runs away in tears*

I don't even think Maggie remembers that she's married.

. . . oooook

To put it out there, I wasn't meaning couple as in "bone bros"exclusively but just a couple of people . . .that enjoy hanging out.

Spaceballs, Seinfeld,Let's Make a Deal, absolutely hate all of the Star Wars movies.

Do we not have a couple name for them yet? Darol? Caryl?


Ok I wasn't sure. I was trying to look at the gun but it was so dark.

This episode gets a reasonably, positive grade for:
-the shot of baby Judith where it looked like she was trying to stay quiet while hiding in the back with everyone else
-Maggie saying the title of the episode. Unfortunately, she didn't look at the camera when she did.
- Dead Gareth. I hate that guy's face so much.

I was thinking more about the polo shirts but that too