
Carrey's eccentric, robot hand guy talking about the room full of Denniseseses . . . es had me in stitches and then the sketch just stopped. I could've done without the usual mugging from Pharaoh.
Drunk Uncle was great as usual.
Cecily Strong and Vanessa Bayer in the Halloween store sketch had me strangely,um,

Spot on. I actually did drop it around a year ago. I felt the dialogue was pretty interchangeable but according to the rest of the internet I just don't know what good writing is. I mean have you seen what happens to people who have dissenting opinions about Hickman? Regardless, I do not miss it. Also, the less

Haha, I recall an interview with him were he talked about how many people on the cast/crew were repelled by it. He just wants to be a big boy!

I was anticipating the reveal that the two of them were deeply in love and him getting shot first would've destroyed her.

Oh, no doubt it was character driven but at the same time I felt I couldn't get into the groove of the book. I loved the art and the cast was the ultimate selling point but I felt a lot of other titles in my pull occupied the top of the pile. Maybe I'll check back on it. I definitely agree with you on Hickman's

Yeah, the fawning over made me eyeroll. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed he was just redoing the same style over and over again. Well put.

I dropped him after all that shit about him came out. And yet somehow I still read Remender.

I'm not crazy about Anka but what makes him your least favorite? I do like that he takes a different approach at character design (although the Dazzler one is pretty bad) but I can't stand how same and lipless all of his characters are. Also I got tired of following him on Tumblr and how highly praised he was.

Is it ok that I got bored by Secret Avengers? I wanted to like it so much considering the cast.

I'm referring to the episode "Him" were it's Buffy attempting to takeout Principal Wood and Spike tackles her. Funny stuff.

I feel terrible for listening to the first album and . . . just not getting it.

Awww, c'mon! Although s5 is my favorite (I realize that's not a commonly shared opinion) I think the later seasons get a bad rap. They aren't perfect but I like those seasons almost as much but just for different reasons. Without 6 and 7 we wouldn't have had the musical, storyteller, selfless, or buffy with a

Having Cave Slayer at your disposal . . . bad thoughts.

B-but softball slayer. . . ?

"Thursday Unleashed". Uhh, I believe a certain late night comedian show is gonna have something to say about this. UNLEASH THE COMICS!!!

I'm not sure f it's exclusively "western obsession" but I know at least in China the youth is adopting more of a western style diet so naturally they're starting to get all fatty and plump.

"Burgundian"? I was hoping you made up that word to mean "burger based behavior" but alas, google proved me wrong. Thanks, asshole.

Long overdue for a Rogue ongoing or whatever. I was reading the Fall of Mutants era X-Men not too long ago and I just fell in love. She's had such a great journey as a character that I think gets taken for granted.

"This spider's more afraid of you than you are of it!"