
I guess it gives me small relief that they added him to the cast for a reason, and it wasn't so that he'd be the new heartthrob/badass but as a foil to Mockingbird. An inept, whiny foil. As much as I'd love to see Clint Barton up in the equation, I'll take what I can get if this means more screentime for Tall Lady.

As this is a Whedon related show I wouldn't be surprised. That writing team does not have a good track record for writing minorities. Quite terrible actually.

Seconded. Short man and I tend to gravitate towards tall women and it works out. But yeah, Bobbi Morse is a long lady. I can't get her out of my mind.

hahaha, goddamn I wish they did

Simmons saying, "She's amazing" really clinched it. Them having a sidekick kind of relationship would be great.

Like the "punch the ground" thing that Iron Man and I'm sure plenty of other super-men do?

I've always wanted to really like this show but have usually let episodes slowly fall into background noise. I gotta say though, this episode really did it for me. While it wasn't perfect and I agree with the review that a few moments seemed rushed/like a missed opportunity, I thought Coulson and especially the

Pfft. Figures that someone that finds that type adorbs would make a comment like that.

As much as I enjoy Casey Wilson, Ken Marino and yes, Sarah Wright this was too much like Happy Endings, and I really enjoyed that show until it became tiresome. I feel like this show is going to burn out quick if it continues with that rapid fire rhythm of dialogue.

You're so damn thoughtful, ya know that?

So does his twin look at Nicholas' life and just think he's just living an entire "what if?" episode?

May Santiago's enthusiasm for all things dorky never waver. Her reaction to getting Hall Monitor melted my heart.

I actually thought it was going to turn into a bus orgy

Kemper? I barely even
. . . ahh, y'know what? I don't even wanna go through with it.

Fair Warning for "In Your Eyes": I love almost all of Whedon's work but when you have actors that don't know how to read his dialogue it can get really bad. This is the case for this movie. I couldn't make it past 30 minutes the acting was so off.

oh, so now you LIKE Hitler? Hey everybody, this guy likes Hitler!

Joss Whedon, Bryan Fuller, Ted Leo, Aimee Mann, David Bazan, Paul Thomas Anderson, Taco Bell, Adrian Tomine, Sarah Silverman. Can I BE more of a depressed loser?

Ditto to both. Although I will say that Bryan Fuller's track record is really edging out Whedon for me. If Marvel ever gives Fuller a chance to write X-Men I will just die.