
Maybe that's his secret. If I remember correctly he DID asked to get killed off in that one movie about how he flies like a leaf. Maybe he's figured out by constantly getting killed off he's allowed to do so many acting gigs. I mean it's not like the dude is not in demand.

I mean, we ARE waiting for the next Whedon alum to show up. Why not have Tudyk in some capacity?

So many possibilities! I really wouldn't mind if Tancharoen and Whedon scoured remaining Dollhouse ideas and integrated them into S2.

Anyone else reminded of the end of the Dollhouse pilot what with a naked/bloody dude? Let's hope Skye gets a better story than Echo (can't be that hard, can it?)


What DID happen? We had shows like Happy Days depicting an accent-less Pat Morita and no one batted an eye to these days where it's a fucking anomaly to see people of color depicted in such a relatively realistic manner.

The trope of "I'm gonna pick up my phone, not let you talk just to tell you I can't talk" was so frustrating. Also the fact that the workers closing the crate could clearly see him.

According to Fuller's twitter it was a Dead Ringers reference.

And you won't regret it. This show was made for Blu-Ray. It's almost difficult to watch it any other way now.

I know that's Caroline Dhavernas' favorite line on the show but I'd say it's one of my favorite scenes ever on tv.

For me it was her appearance on an episode of Wonderfalls. Her and her sexy stuttering self.

No, I saw it. I thought that was fairly accurate. Something I've noticed in regards to impressions=accolades is people typically want the billboard sign version of one instead of something that's pretty close in a mundate fashion. I prefer that over "Ill do an impression simply by quoting the character" habit I see

The sketch is up on nbc and hulu. It's a crime it wasn't aired.

I may have some kind of comedy dysphoria (or I just have shite sense of humor) but I thought the Diedre sketch was funny since the character reminds me of several people I've met. I don't think that character shares even remote comparison to Molly Shannon's since the latter leaned more towards broader styles of

Strangely I thought this stuff would've been a better fit around the time of the original cast.

Stupid stupid stupid. I forgot they were *basically* the same movie.

Fuller has described the character as the Joker to Hannibal's Batman but yeah I kinda got that vibe too.

Do you mean Red Dragon? I know that happens to him in that movie, haven't seen Manhunter yet but yeah. I think most people are in agreement that Lounds is still alive. Hopefully since I honestly love that character.

Alana mocking people with a stutter would make my day.

Oh sorry, my question stems exactly from that tweet. I know it's a euphemism but I have no idea how it insinuates that.