
Can anyone explain how "button stitching" is a replacement for "muff diving"?

That was my takeaway from it as well. I felt previous episodes were practically screaming that this was the case.

To your first point, Fuller retweeted a viewer's theory suggesting as much.

I bet this Godzilla is really jolly and has a good personality.

We won't cuz he ain't dead!

I loved his expression when Will brought her up. "Yeah, cool, great. Wanna talk about anything else?"

Only made it to the 20 minute mark. Was wondering why I found the male lead so punchworthy then I remembered he was in Cloverfield. Ugh.

Disappointed with:

Some of the material for it WAS repurposed from old crosswalk buttons, so yes.

Props to the Mission Hill reference. That was a genuine love story that does not get the attention it deserves.

As much as it makes sense, I'm still against the pairing and I was basically yelling at my tv like an over protective dad. But yeah, it was gorgeous.

I'd actually say The Forgotten Arm is her most consistent album if you don't want to get super depressed. If you're fine with that than I suggest Lost in Space. While Bachelor No.2 is fine, it doesn't have the throughline that those other records have.

Depends. I love TL+RX but a lot of his albums tend to contain some filler songs and some tend run on. As far as his more meat and potatotes kind of pop songs, I'd say this ties with some of the best of them.

I'm with Stupid was my intro to her only because I confused her with another musician. Still a great album and she has been one of my all time favorites since then.

Well put. Everytime someone mentions the Magnolia Soundtrack or Bachelor No.2 , while great, just makes me think they haven't even bothered to listen to her other stuff. Lost in Space and The Forgotten Arm were huge parts of my life in part to just how well constructed the songs were and just unbeatable lyrics. I

Funny thing is she seems to mention that quite often at shows/interviews. It's like she wears it as a badge of honor.

or Buffy, or The Big Lebowski

I have not stopped listening to this since NPR put up the full album stream. Great pop record from front to back. With this and footage of Kim Gordon performing with Nirvana it's a great time to be an old punk unwilling to let go of the past.

The fact that I totally back this makes me wonder if you are as depressed as I think I am.

The Forgotten Arm next to Lost in Space might be my favorite. The structure of that album is absolutely heartbreaking.