
Bye Bye, Chilton. We'll miss you.

Having a crush specifically on a Morena Baccarin voiced Black Canary is cool, right?

"Superior"? Ah, you flatterer, you!

If it's an overweight white dude I usually call them "Buffalo Sauce"

Thank you for the responses to people. I get the impression that, like me, you've had to answer these questions too many times before instead of people just educating their damn selves. People can inform themselves about american history, music, tv, yet when it comes to issues regarding race it's other people's

*crosses fingers, closes eyes* PLEASE let it be from Edible Arrangements, PLEASE let it be from Edible Arrangements

I'd wish cancer on Piz but then I'd feel bad for cancer. I hate you, Piz.

With sexy results

Insanely attractive!

Piz can go to hell. Fuck you, Piz.

He really does look like a weiner. Him and that host of Bar Rescue.

Fun fact: Loved that Joe LoTruglio's lady in real life, Beth Dover, played the woman that was showing them the wedding invitations. Adorable.

oh god, I came here exclusively to comment about how much I was attracted to that.

I've had numerous opportunities to see both and failed. I will forever be envious of you.

Yes on the Team Dresch mention. They do not get the props they deserve. Also, anyone else think that if a listener didn't focus so much on their sexual orientation, that Team Dresch's sound could've easily fit in with other emo bands of the time?

Spot on. My comedic tastes lean heavily towards the female side of the spectrum and even I don't get the love a lot of these women get. What is it exactly that makes people gravitate towards people like Dunham and Kaling? Is it their inability to address and get into deeper issues that they are benefitting from?

I had the same feeling. Like, "Hey, did you know Ron Swanson likes fixing things?!" The character has very minimal depth

"why not in season four just go into Red Dragon?" That's actually exactly what they're doing, and following up (if they can) with SotL.

@disqus_41FOBV0Pj9:disqus I might be wrong but I thought I heard that the Anna Chlumpsky character was supposed to be a loose interpretation of Starling or slightly based off. Made me wonder how they'd go about creating aNOTHER character sharing the same qualities.

Why are you lying?