
Some comedy experience? Does her career before Doctor Who not even matter?

So I wasn't the only one wondering why James Hetfield and John Travolta were lending cameos

The women I've found that relate to that show are TERRIBLE PEOPLE.

Downvoted only because I don't like Papa John's. I don't care if it's National Pizza Day (well, actually I do but nevermind)

Super nice, smart, and funny. I would be surprised if anyone that knew him called him anything close to a jerk.

Well considering they're setting up Thanos as the main villain for Avengers 3 and the inclusion of GotG, I think it's safe to assume we're getting The Infinity Guantlet. Personally I was expecting something along the lines of Disassembled but oh well.

We have a winner!

Where would I find these plans? I couldn't find anything other than the idea of having Brooklyn time travel and Lexington being gay.

That too. Yeah, I don't know what kind of world we live in where a man has to justify his love for a taco.

I'm only one opinion and I haven't seen it in a loooong time but my feeling from what I remember was that it was respectful at the end of the day. So I would probably give it a pass. But like I said, haven't seen it in awhile. Here's a blog I read that would probably give you a better perspective than mine. http://chop

Once again, I'm only one opinion and I haven't seen that in a long time but if I remember correctly it's pretty over the top in some parts but I remember it being somewhat respectful? I read this one blog and maybe it'll give you a better perspective than I could: http://choptensils.blogspot… (my personal opinion

I do understand what you mean though. I'll be honest, there are even times when I feel like my non Asian friends are more offended than they should be when something has bothered me. I've said in another comment on here, I don't think this warrants a petition or whatever, but having a dialogue about it is something

Aaagh, I dunno. I've typed and deleted a response over and again and I don't have a short answer. I guess what it comes down to is. yeah sure educate yourself and all but treat it with the respect it deserves as you would with any thing that has a long and rich cultural history. Don't present it like it's some kind

Agreed. I certainly wasn't capable of being aware of this when I was younger but it starts somewhere and that's good. Then again, there's always some jackass who feels the need to downvote,like, ALL our comments regardless of content. Oh well. Thanks for the intelligent discourse, though! While I know how I feel about

Hahaha, I never noticed that! I dunno, I just love tacos? But now that I think about it, I grew up in a community with a heavy asian/mexican influence so that might be it ? I could wager a guess that it might be deeper rooted and it continues the trend of minorites repping other minority cultures (black community

All good. You can almost tell when an asian is making asian jokes.

The apology is what I would call a "good start". Thing is, they're not obligated to do anything more than apologize. But like the recent Questlove incident where he was caught making jokes about how Asians talk, you have a great opportunity to use this apology to address why a lot of people still think this shit is

I can't speak on the history as I haven't watched this show for awhile but for the moment that's not the issue. Not that it's a good reason, but considering how things are culturally nowadays and how much garbage people aren't willing to put up with, it's just dumbfounding that they thought this to be a good idea.

Ok, now that made me laugh

No worries. I can't speak for anyone else, but it's just about representation. I get what they were going for but it's all just so tired. Any appearance in pop culture that has anything to do with Asians/Asian culture is just Asians=Foreign/Kung Fu. That's it. Can we parody Kung Fu movies still? Sure. Not that it's a