
Serious, how many times does dude have to get cast as a creep?

Yes, Ken Leung needs more props.

Low hanging fruit. And did she really call Nickelback "whitewashed"? As opposed to the multicultural vibes of metal?!

The pseudo Big Lots name was cracking me up. Just the placement of the exclamation. "Why would they name a store Big Spits??"

I was surprised and kind of excited when the scene changed and there was an asian woman on screen, only to get that old familiar feeling as the camera panned out and she was doing April's nails. Ooof course.

They already have cast someone as Bishop for DOFP

Actually the rights for Daredevil reverted back to Marvel earlier in the year (or late last year?).  Quicksilver is also not only in Avengers 2 but (with a different actor) in DOFP.

Disney can only use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch since they're in a weirdo position of being mutants AND Avengers. I think it was basically "Whoever claims them first" kind of thing. I think just as long as they don't use the word "mutant" or mention Magneto theyre good.

I'm not sure if there's a character that I don't like. In addition, after looking up Melissa Fumero's credits as to what she's done prior, I'm pretty amazed at her comedic chops despite mainly having a career in a soap opera.

Yeah the trailer isn't really selling me but I'll give it a chance ONLY because of my love for Tangled.

I'd prefer an Aurra Sing penned Whedon movie

Sorry, Emily Haines already beat you to it . . .and frikkin demolished it. Best cover.

Yes. His Kitty Pryde is one of my favorite characters and I would very much love to see this happy. Now if only we can manage to squeeze in Olivia Williams as Adele (basically Emma Frost by her attitude and motivations)

" I wonder if she and Ming Na will get an episode set in China?"

Yep. Completely new character and if I'm correct, when reading the original character bios before anyone was cast, she was originally named "Althea Rice" and well, pretty sure they scrapped that name for obvious reasons. But it's nice to know she was cast not because of her ethnicity.

Ok, so I wasn't the only one thinking this was overly quippy even for a Whedon show and how it sounded like maybe Jed and Maurissa were doing their best attempts at impersonating his writing?

F)Given they had an hour, Skye had to have learned quite a bit from Ward during his truth serum dose. That's another thing that's likely to unravel either this or next season

Maybe it's just because of the trope of the weary seasoned vet, but based on how Whedon writes his characters I expect Ming Na's character to probably be the most compelling second to the Coulson reveal we will eventually see before the season is over.

And thus, my crush on Black Canary began

Best quote was Fake Gosling's response to getting his cover blown all over the news: "Fuckin' Dexter" 
Kinda like, aw man, he ate the last doughnut of course. Fuckin Dexter!