
"Uh yeah, I dont OWN a tv, uh sorry"

Good lord, Valerie Cruz (Mrs Smits). You're never going to not be incredibly attractive.

Thanks for the heads up regarding her appearance on Fallon. Ugh, so adorable. Great now I'm obsessed with her all over again.

There is no convincing needed when it comes to watching something with Michelle Pfeiffer in it. She is always impossibly entertaining. Her main song in Hairspray and of course her turn as Selina Kyle. I always say she played three roles in Batman Returns. Mousey Selina Kyle, Born Again Selina Kyle, and Catwoman. That

Think of it as like The Emperor in the Original Star Wars Trilogy

The Ultron/Iron Man connection has been confirmed for sometime

Oh god. Madeline. To this day do I still think about her trying to get Kevin to lick her finger. "C'mon! Taste it!"

I LOVE that idea!!

NOOOOOO!!! But he's my favorite cast member that speaks in the same voice for every character since Keenan Thompson!

You're talking about Paull Brittain, right?

For the longest time "Lost in Space" had the top spot but TFA is just crushingly heartbreaking and uncomfortably relateable.

I've tried Dead Like Me (I'll watch anything that Bryan Fuller has done. He is right behind Joss Whedon in my book) but I lost interest at the end of the first season. Plus I could just tell when Fuller left. I liked all of the actors but something about the writing.

Was really excited to see this and then . . .yeah. Pretty mediocre. But Ruth Bradley. Wow.

A ridiculously underrated show. That was the the second thing that came to mind upon seeing a trailer for this movie. Reaper was one of the funnest shows I've seen. Like all I wanted to do was hang out with those guys.

Oh geeze. Him and Scarlet Witch. I never would've thought I'd root for such a couple. But yeah, I really believe that to be the best X Men cartoon.

One of my favorite episodes and the one that solidified my love for Beth Grant.

— *whew* ok. That's solved. Really I was more worried about if I just had poor comprehension skills. I love the man so, sorry, I felt a little defensive.

"minus Martin Short" ? Why you gotta hate?

Yeah, I'm making an overgeneralization. It's like how I'd much rather watch Veep than West Wing, Seinfeld rather than Always Sunny. I guess it's just Dexter always had chance to be so much more and yeah, it's my own fault that I couldn't stop thinking about Hannibal through most of the episode. But you're totally

While that might be true, considering how popular the Jayden/Brayden/Ayden names are these days, I don't think that's where the parents' mindset is at