
Must find out who played the assistant Cassandra!

How's that fair? We in the States are stuck with Eva Mongolian

I thought the Martin Short ep was exceptionally great. There's also a sketch on Hulu that didn't air starring Jim Downey and Patricia Clarkson that is pretty hilarious. http://www.hulu.com/watch/4…

I didn't see anything racist about it. Besides the one time he used an "r" instead of an "L" I thought Moynihan did a good job of treading that line similar to the sketch earlier this season about the Chinese workers for Apple.

It goes without saying that it's a shame he's underused. I really hope nobody from the new crop gets booted for next season.

Agreed on all points. Vanessa Bayer has been one of, if not the best, on the cast that gets little vocal nuances down. All those little instances on the Dove sketch had me in stitches.

Honestly can't answer that. But as long as I can rewatch his Craig Ferguson interviews I don't care. (But yes, it'd be nice if he was in something good. Only reason I wanted this to do well was because of him. Oh well)

This is what's wrong with netflix: I watched it all in a week and while I was blown away by how great it was, I do not remember any of these.

I like it! It's got legs, kid!

I hope it's not still called The Midnight Show especially since the ucb sketch group has had that name longer and is one of the funniest things ever.

Cracking up because this guy's name is Theo and all I'm hearing right now is Bill Cosby

To be fair no one I know in real life knows what it is or has ever heard of it. This was on gawker I think and I mentioned it in connection with VEEP and it interested someone. The only article I could find was a meh jezebel article

I dont have HBO and I just torrent the damn thing, but I get what you're saying.

I just wish all this praise wasn't happening now. I know a lot of people here have backed it from the start but I can't help but think the hyping of other shows really didn't help. I don't know. 
I did have someone ask me today about it and I had absolutely no idea how to sell it to them, so thanks for this.

Laura Dern's reading of “I seriously doubt it.” had me chuckling too much for my own good

I know it's not popular around here but would've loved to read her thoughts on The Goode Family. I thought she was exceptionally great on that show.

I hate you Sims ( but really I thought this was a good episode, but I really do hate Sims)

This show is great but uhhh I feel I might be the only one who just finds Grunkle Stan's voice completely unbearable. It's not just how it sounds but it's so apparent (at least it was to me) that this is not a professional voice actor. Oddly enough, completely fine when Alex Hirsch voices Soos.

I was thinking of Flapjack, which is basically the same thing

As a Bryan Fuller fan, unfortunately I have to agree