
His shows are like the Jennifer Aniston of . . .er, shows.

I've heard of her but never heard her music. That being said, after the episode I looked her up and didn't realize how divisive she is. Regardless of my personal tastes, the song did work very well in context of one helluva episode.

Nothing I can say about this episode that anyone else hasn't. This was great.


Soooo anyone wanna help chip in and get SIIIIIMS a new frikkin picture for the reviews?

I didn't find them to be. I mean, it's kinda tiring to only see Asians on tv in the context of being foreigners, but nah, nothing really racist about it.

I agree. It does seem to ruin the discourse.  But my perspective is that Judge tends to view any form of extremist behavior (yes, I would count "hippies" as a form of that) in a negative light. Like the episode of KoTH, showing the God-fearing Hills looking for a new church and they happen to find themselves at that

After I typed that I immediately thought of Portlandia but still, are there really any other examples? (no snark, just curious) I just remember the various criticisms that I read seemed to be bit off base, while it was completely fine to not laugh "with" but "at" the characters of KoTH. It's weird how that show had

Wow. Completely disagree. I thought this was a great show and was excited to hear it recently got released on dvd. I think there was still care put into the characters but I find it unfair to judge on just the one season when King of the Hill (obviously) had much more time to cultivate a relationship with the viewer.

Yeah, but you had Winston playing along with it, even trying to keep the ruse going.  And even then like @avclub-7bc9846879bab03f516d648691bdc127:disqus mentioned, there was an earnestness there.  In this episode, even though Schmidt was feeling vindictive, his dickishness felt a bit too much this time (at least for

Is there a reference I'm missing? How can you possible type Martha Coolidge instead of Plimpton? I'm totally serious.

Something about Schmidt's racist jokes (although completely in character) just didn't sit well with me this time.  Maybe it has something to do with "white guy walks into a setting of a different culture and is not in the least bit respectful or tactful". I dunno, just felt extra unlikeable this time around.

That was the closest we'll ever get to a live action Homer.

Space Racism? Spacism?

All this country is now is a buncha dewbacks and bunheads takin our jobs!

Reading the Daughters of the Dragon mini series felt like what should've been their pilot episode. So much fun!

Agreed. This hit very close to home for me, at least.  I'm glad that nothing dramatic or cautionary had to happen for Levi to get that moment of clarity (or a semblance of). The script showed so much restraint (in a good way) and I found myself hoping that others were blown away by this episode just as much as I was.

Agreed on the Aidy Bryant front. When she has stage time she has this genuine quality that I can't help but enjoy. It's a rare moment when I'm rooting for all of the new cast members (yes, even Tim Robinson)

Ha! I made sure to check the credits. Alie Ward. I do love me a pretty lady with some big ass hoop earrings

Ha! I made sure to check the credits. Alie Ward. I do love me a pretty lady with some big ass hoop earrings