
I actually thought it was quite a bit weaker than the first. Sure, the scope was bigger, but it was all just so generic. Magic blah blah that could destroy the universe, generic monsters with zero characterization who want to destroy everything for vague reasons (because they're evil, I guess).

I don't necessarily agree, but if that's how you feel then get ready for the blandest villain so far. Malekith was a total waste. He had about a dozen lines, most of them in fake Elvish, and seemed to be fighting to destroy the universe because someone needed to be doing it, so why not him.

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus Nobody liked it for a very good reason: it is one of the very worst big-budget, blockbuster movies ever made.

I'm sure that no one else will speak up for Foxworthy, but I had that album and I loved it. The rest are great, of course, but I'd argue that Foxworthy is a genuinely talented comedian that was eaten alive by the success of his "You might be a redneck…" bit. He's not "hip" or "edgy" like the rest of this stuff so I

I still love Cash Cab whenever I catch it. Are they still making new episodes of that?

I can even hear that "Yeah!!!" in the exasperated, rushed way Kramer would spit it out. I'd like to see this full episode now.

"This episode was very funny and the guest really fit in well, sharing some great stories about life on the road. Only worth a listen if you're a fan of hilarity. Otherwise, it's inessential."

@avclub-22259ee6329364cebbe4c40bd951f307:disqus You're my favorite person ever.

While he's killed when necessary, he's very rarely done so out of spite. Although I guess he did kill Mike because his pride was hurt, but buying a giant machine gun just take out Gretchen and Elliot? He was a lot of things, but that would have made him into a psychopathic monster far beyond anything that happened

@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus I disagree. Walt had to strip away the Heisenberg persona that he loved so much in order to achieve his goals. He had to admit to himself and to Skyler that it was never really about family. He had to pass his money along to Flynn anonymously, which he had been fighting

@avclub-4f828f34eab2d78b161b5c097b645a38:disqus It's an old AIM handle that stuck around. The proper spelling was taken, so it was the best I could do. I do appreciate the irony, however.

I'm sad to see the show go, but the one good thing is that I won't have to see people make comments about Jessie. Who is Jessie? Jessie is a girl's name. Jesse (without the i) is a man's name. I hate that that bothered me, but it's such a simple mistake and I can't believe so many people made it so consistently.

It's funny, I actually do like this sort of thing (like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) and I can't fully commit to this show. As I said above, I think for me it's McBride. I just don't like him, at least as Kenny Powers.

I really wish I liked it more than I do. I watched the first three seasons and I really, really dislike Kenny Powers. I know that you're supposed to, but I can't even laugh at him.

@avclub-605302b7b2612ace0b5716f3285b7ba0:disqus I love your avatar and account name, but I now like it less so knowing the circumstances surrounding it. Andrew Koenig ran the video equipment and was occasional third banana on Never Not Funny, the best damn podcast on the web, and it really hurt when I found out about

Absolutely. Except for the timeframe, this sounds like it's basically Gotham Central. If that's what it ends up becoming then I am 200% behind this project. If not, I'm still 87% behind it. It's easy to snark about the lack of Batman, but Gordon is a great character and I'd love to see a series around him.

But it can't make nearly as much money.

He didn't last long but he had a great small role in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I too was hoping that he would continue to pop up more post-Lost.

I'm also 32 and yeah, it's pretty crazy.

Never Not Funny was missing a few weeks ago, then it popped back up the next week. It's a shame because it was a damn fine episode this week.