
And yet…

So just to be safe, make one episode and quit before it all turns to shit.

I'll never understand this attitude of pretending that entire movies, books, or television seasons just don't exist. The Star Wars prequels exist, and no amount of complaining will change that. You can absolutely stop watching a show at a certain point, but anything beyond that seems very silly to me.

A lot of wrong, wrong people :-)

I saw him with Stephen Lynch a few months before he passed, as I recall. He was a complete mess on stage. He was getting tangled up in the mic cord and at one point he wrapped himself up in the curtain. He also kept yelling for Lynch to come out on stage so they could do some songs together, but Lynch either refused,

I'm only halfway through the new batch of X-Files episodes and while the first was weak and the second was just OK, the third was an all-time classic. Even if the last three completely fall apart it'll be worth it for that one amazing episode.

I can't speak to the quality of Sabrina, but a few years ago ABC Family aired Boy Meets World in the mornings. I used to put it on in the background while getting ready for work and I was occasionally surprised by some sharp, surprisingly meta stuff. It's not the best show ever by any stretch of the imagination, but I

Seriously. That way lies madness. The need of comic book fans to categorize and chronologically order every little thing kind of drives me crazy.

Characters grow and change, or at least they should. This just seems like a change you don't like. It doesn't mean she's not Harley anymore, or anything so overblown as that.

My only problem with Walking Dead dude as Castle is that he was such an annoying, insufferable douche on that show. And yeah, I know we were supposed to hate that character and that probably means he did a great job. So when I say I didn't like him all that much on Walking Dead I'm probably just having trouble

Almost certainly not, but now I hope so.

That's the most wonderfully random, nerdy thing to get hung up on. I love it.

That's fair. So far I think this is a pretty damn tasty cheeseburger. I was also asking why Sara didn't just shoot the guards leading Stein through the yard, and why they don't just grab Savage when they have the advantage, but in the end I think this show is a hell of a lot of fun and those kinds of things don't hurt

I love Avant Gardener, but I think my favorite is Elevator Operator.

The Shield seems to have been all but forgotten outside of places like The AV Club, and that is such a bummer. For as great as shows like The Wire or Deadwood were, The Shield is probably still my all-time favorite.

But that's just because you're comparing the Nolan version to the comics, where he has to be Batman forever and ever because comic books never actually end. The Nolan series actually gives Bruce Wayne an ending. He didn't strap on the cape to fight every single mugger and pusher in Gotham. He was fighting against

That's a good point. It really depends on what you focus on when you watch the show. The stuff about keeping secrets to protect those you love was a bit wonky, mostly because the secret at the heart of it all never really made much sense.

"Nongamers often ask when videogames are finally going to get their “Citizen Kane.” But when Spore ships sometime next year, this infant medium might receive its Torah, its “Origin of Species” and its “2001: A Space Odyssey” all rolled into one."

You make a good point, boy!

Don't forget terrible acting. He writes all that flowery, over-written Kevin Smith dialog only to have it delivered by that mush-mouth "star" whose name I can't remember and I'm not going to look up. Somebody London?