
Wait, what? That's exactly why Jonah Hill should be there. He may not be a standup but he's a comic actor who also happens to be good friends with Franco. These roasts should be made up of friends and acquaintances who are also actors or comedians, with some of Comedy Central's stable of comics mixed in for flavor.

Don't worry, there's still time for @Yee:disqus Yee to make eight or nine moderately relevant posts so that he can keep his quota up.

I actually liked Cavill quite a bit in the role. The scene where he's in custody and casually snaps the handcuffs and talks directly to the military through the mirror was pretty great. He's humble, likable, and has a great aww-shucks quality that's perfect for Superman. I thought he made a solid Superman.

Because that guy said so.

Yeah, he's matured as an actor, but back in the early 2000s he was labeled as "bad" or whatever adjective people want to use. So it's already been decided, even if rational thought would tell you to wait and see what happens.

I feel like you get this kind of disappointment from the internet just about every time someone is cast as a superhero. Chris Evans was too smug and douchey to play Captain America. Hemsworth wasn't what's-his-face from True Blood, who a lot of people wanted for Thor.

I do feel like he was rumored as the director of a Justice League movie back when DC was trying to get that off the ground. It does make sense.

Basically, this. I get that it's an issue of name recognition, but it doesn't help the movie when you realize that their voice isn't very distinctive.

Yeah, it's complete bullshit, and as a DC fan (primarily, I have nothing against Marvel and have loved their movies) it really bugs me. They should be developing Wonder Woman and Flash, rebooting Green Lantern (Marvel had to reboot Hulk, so why not?), and getting the Justice League together.

I don't think there's anything worse, in the entire universe, that Imperioli in those ads. He makes me want to drink any other tequila. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's not 1800. Because fuck you and your smug face, your smug smirk, and your smug attitude, Imperioli.


I'm with you, @WrongSirWrong:disqus . What in the hell?

I agree with @avclub-d69768b3da745b77e82cdbddcc8bac98:disqus . I rarely listen to music when I drive these days. It's usually a podcast or comedy.


@avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus , it is infuriating that it seems like nothing is allowed to be pretty good anymore. I enjoyed both Star Trek: Into Darkness and Man of Steel, yet people will post that anyone who enjoyed either of those movies are awful people, have no taste, etc.

@Roswulf:disqus Seinfeld is basically perfect. Nothing will ever overshadow that.

If you think that the mediocre to poor Bee Movie undoes all of Seinfeld, one of the greatest comedies ever (including books, movies, TV shows, etc.), then there truly is no hope for you.

I really hope not. I'm a big Stephen King fan and would hate to find out that some/all of his books were being written by ghostwriters.

To be fair, LCD Soundsystem are pretty boring and repetitive.

I know it doesn't get much discussion here, what with no one being willing to pay for anything, but is Never Not Funny no longer being covered? If so then that's a damn shame. I can understand people's reluctance to pay when there are so many other podcasts available, but it's easily the best of the bunch. My opinion,