
Absolutely. I love Archer, but Frisky Dingo went to such wonderfully bizarre places.

For me it will always be The Brak Show, especially the first season. Such a funny, ridiculous show.

I'm with you, @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus . I actually watched the first episode, Iron Man-focused, episode a few months ago and stopped because I thought it was pretty lousy. I finally gave it another try recently and have gotten to the point where the Avengers are all together (except for Cap,

Dr. Fate was played by Oded Fehr, who was born in Israel. He definitely has a foreign accent. He has an amazing voice and is perfect for Dr. Fate.

I'm with @avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus . I come here more for the TV Club coverage and Newswire than I do the film coverage, so while I enjoy the authors over on The Dissolve it'll never truly replace the AC Club for me.

This, basically. When it comes time to make a movie you either explain that Wally is the nephew of the original Flash (and oh yeah there was another Flash before that) and somehow got the same powers in the exact same freak accident as his uncle, or you simplify the concept and just have a single Flash (multiple

This momentarily fools me and then makes me laugh every time. Favorite new gimmick.

As a comic fan, I say nay. As a fan of the show, I say yay! Laurel is the weakest actor on the show by a long shot. The idea of her as Black Canary has always sounded like a train wreck to me.

The Hound? Holy shit, that is The Hound, isn't it??? Mind blown.

How in the name of Zeus's butthole could anyone not love The Rock?

@ColdGottoBe:disqus Can you explain why, though? I get that the world hates it but much like  @avclub-912e79cd13c64069d91da65d62fbb78c:disqus here I don't really get the why.

Absolutely. What is wrong with you people? Why don't you worry about something important, like I do?

Beautiful…but why is there a bartender in an indie record shop?

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus He was also great as the devil's son on Reaper. I haven't seen Lone Ranger but I've liked him a lot the few times I've seen him.

You seem like a lunatic.

I did the same exact thing. Like @sdelmonte:disqus says, the character is pretty different in the comics but those are still some pretty great comics.

Agreed. Maybe the new 52 never had a possessed Superman go on a rampage, but I have no trouble believing that the government would immediately setup some way of combating a potentially rogue Superman, or a Justice League that decided it'd be easier to take over.


As much as I like Joel McHale, I don't think that would make me very excited. I could be way off but he doesn't seem like he'd be a very strong improviser.

Careful with the exclamation point. That comment's just too darn loud.