youtomb like a nice depresso

Where is the Meyerist Movement's legal team?

Are the droids self aware, or simply machines running a program to act, talk, and seem as though they are self aware at all times, even when interacting just between each other?

Isn't George Lucas married to a Black woman? So, there's that . . .
Oh someone addressed that below nvm


He could have said, "Oh, perfect. It had to be THIS time there was actual liquid in the cup."

Maybe they are doing it this way so that when Nygma, Penguin, and the others come into their own it will be in contrast to these relative softy non-psychotic villains.

Yes, all these mob bosses seem weak, sentimental, nearsighted, and clumsy compared to bosses on other shows. And Falcone killing the girl was too predictable. The only satisfying mob hit so far was Butch shooting his old friend in the car.

Yes, it was like it wasn't even a consequence.


Ratio Tile on the hoof again!

Has the Expanded Universe archivers or anybody ever attempted to give a fun explanation to the universal and equal gravity that is on all planets and inside all spaceships in the Star Wars galaxy?

It does seem that the Star Wars' galaxy's human population doesn't quite reflect the wide diversity of sentient life otherwise found. Offhand, I can't recall any actors of Hispanic, East Asian, or South Asian ethnicity in the six Star Wars films- comment?

Long, long ago, I once read the Marvel Star Wars comic that first came out around the time of the first movie and it has Jabba the Hutt coming to talk with Han Solo outside the Mos Eisley Cantina after Han shoots Greedo, as in Lucas' original vision; however, the Jabba in that comic book was a completely different

It's great, and also Heavy D's rendition has a fun video on youtube.

Makes me think of Dave Berg's "The Lighter Side of . . ."

I was relieved that at least the x-wing pilot wasn't a precocious kid

They call it that in Europe, but in the states we say "diet."

They got the iconic sounds right, mixed with the Williams score. That's something.

For the tag-team belt.

Also, this is kind of a make-believe world.