youtomb like a nice depresso

The show seems to be getting better. The knowledge of Penguin's inevitable rise is played to good effect. The woman assassin was hot. Lassiter, whatever his name is, is good as the mayor. The actor who plays Falcone is earning his work, though, by selling some really hackneyed lines. Nygma is good. Waiting to see

"My name's Friday. This is my partner, Lt. Black Lagoon. We'd like to ask you a few questions, ma'am."

I'm feeling much better, Dave. I think we should continue the mission.

Bridges was very funny and gave the interviewers numerous opportunities to run with what he said, but the interviewers didn't do a good job there. I especially liked Bridges question, "Are we doomed and if not, why?" and it was supposed to be, "A question for the next guy" but the interviewers just turned it back to

Anyone mention Glen A. Larson?

Even Pugsley Addams would not eat it.

Oops, yeah 1987

I took my grandfather to see "Robocop" in the original theater release back in 1983. Not speaking a lick of English, he gamely tried to follow the story. Of course, I loved the movie. As we left the theater when the credits were rolling, my grandfather asked me, in Hebrew, "So this was in Germany, World War 2?"

Back then I used to play this song, Steve Miller's Abracadabra, and Toto's Rains in Africa on 45 rpm record discs on a fisher-price-type of player.

New songs at the health club, food court, and movie theater lobby!