Mr. Guy

I honestly haven't watched more than three new Simpsons episodes in the last five years (they were all painfully unfunny, so I saw no reason to make it a habit), but are they seriously still doing "George W. Bush = stupid" jokes, like four years after the guy left office?  If so, it actually just makes me sad for this

I'm guessing I'm pretty much the only Republican who reads the AV Club (or trolls its comments sections), and I think this episode is a stone-cold classic.  So there's that.

As someone on IMDB posted in the episode comments, “The Simpsons don’t get much better than this.”

"its not a new criticism - it was criticized for this at the time"

"Good save!  We're back on track and I'm…. chewing someone else's gum.  This is not my gum.  OH MY GOD OH MY GOD… and now you're choking."

"People of Color on Friends watch"

"You know, the 'hold on' song"

I do think it's great material, and a classic.  But it's one sketch, and really just one line (the one you quoted).  And it's also him singing, which as indicated in these comments seems to be more of where his relative strengths lie, rather than traditional sketch comedy. 

He did seem to have more than his share of singing roles, and in "Live From New York" he states that he was supposed to do a song in the ill-fated New Orleans episode, but it got cut.  Maybe he was hired as a performer when the show was still thought to be a comedy-music-variety type show, and once it morphed into

I sort of feel bad that Garrett Morris never got a lot of great material to work with, but I sort of don't, because almost every time he's in something, he's just not very good.  I don't think it's going too far to say he was the worst performer on the original run.  I realize this is sort of unfair, because he was

Also excellent in the Prom Video episode, within the video itself… making corny "dad" jokes (referring to the "off button" light on the camera), talking to Ross man-to-man, trailing off when he sees that the girls have left with their dates (leaving Ross alone).

This review was infinitely more well-written and interesting than Rabin's reviews.  I actually wanted to read it rather than tally up the number of errors and piss-poor deconstructionist theories. 

"We talked about this recently"

"Frances Ha," or "86 Minutes of First-World Problems."

I would say that the Europeans who don't have jobs are the most screwed of all. and there are far more of them as a percentage of their total population than the U.S. — in large part due to the "viable labor movement" and "public health care" you cite. 

To Clive, from Lionel:  Thanks!

RIP and all that, but these guys (and "Jump") were pretty much the nadir of late-80s/early-90s crap rap.  You'd be hard pressed to find a more transparent attempt to manufacture a "trend" than the backwards-clothes thing. 

"Thank you for telling me what I already know.  You should work for the Huffington Post." 

…says a guy who knows very little about life in the United States.

Replying to my own comment… why would it be a federal judge?  This was obviously a state crime.  Should have been in state court.